
发布 2020-08-05 09:25:28 阅读 4321






一) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题a、b、c中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。(共5题,满分5分)。

) on june 16th. is 15. is 15.

) music club. i do. monday.

) 7:00 pmb. at 12:00 am. 7:00 am.

) my parents. ride my bike. very far.


)6. who does the dishes after dinner?

dad. mom.

)7. what can the girl do in the club?

can dance. can sing. can listen to music.

)8. where are they?

the shop. the library. the park.

)9. when does the boy h**e to get up?

a. at 7:00.

)10. where can the girl h**e lunch?

the restaurant. the classroom. the dining hall

三)听两段长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。( 6题,满分6分)


)11. why does kate like art?

a. because it’s relaxing. it’s fun. it’s exciting.

)12. what’s jim’s f**orite subject?

a. )13. who is jim’s math teacher?

cooper. jones.


)14. where does jane live?

a. in green city. great village. c. in green village.

) does jane get there?

a. by taxi.

)16. how long does it take jane to get there by train?

20 minutes. 30minutes. hour and a half.


)17. how many good friends does jim h**e?

a. . )18. when is nick’s birthday?

a. september 12th . 12th . 12th .

)19. what color does jim like?

)20. what festival do john and nick h**e at school?

music festival art festival sports festival


第一节单项选择(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)

)21. -when is your birthday? -it’s

a. at april nine b. in april ninth c. on april nineth d. on april ninth

)22. -can your sister __english?--no, _she can draw pictures.

( )23. there are __months in a year, the __month is december.

a. twenty; twelfth b. twelve; twelfth c. twelfth; twelve

) 24. can you help me __my english?

a. tob. for c. with d. on

) you good __your parents?

a . with

)26.--when does lisa play tennis? -she plays tennis __seven __saturday morning.

a. in;at b. on;on c.

at;in d. at;on

)27i can do kongfu.

you draw b. what can you do can she do

) mother___at 5 o’clock pm..

a. go home b. comes to home c. gets home

) the bus __the library every day.

a. makes;to b. takes;to

) can play __piano and her brother can play __soccer.


)31.--run in the hallways, tom.--sorry,

a. can’t b. doesn’t c. he can d. don’t

)32. don’t __late for school next time.

a. arrives b. arrived c. was d. be

)33. they don’t go to school on saturday. we don’t go to school on saturdaya.

too b. either c. also

) 34. there __many students on the playground now.

a. isb. are c. be d. h**e

) 35. it takes __ten minutes __his homework.

a. him;to b. him;to do c. his;go d. him;do

第二节完形填空(共10小题, 每小题1分,满分10分)

today is thursday, december 26th .ken is really busy. _36__ begin at 8 o’clock.

the __37___class is math. he doesn’t like math. he thinks it is too __38__.

then at 9:00 he has english. english is his f**orite __39__ because it’s interesting.

he likes his english teacher, miss wang. she is friendly. then he __40__ morning exercises for about ten minutes.

at 10:15 he __41__ history. it’s boring, but at 11:

10 he has he likes he is usually very _42__after class. he eats lunch at 12:15.

at 2:30 he begins his _43_classes. his last class _44_at 4:

30. he likes his school and he also likes all his teachers. they are _45_but kind.


六年级语文。2.拇指姑娘 丑小鸭 海的女儿 出自英国著名童话作家安徒生之手。3.改革开放以来,人民的生活有了明显的提高 这个句子有毛病。4.北京的春节差不多在腊月初旬开始,在正月十九结束。测试时间 90分钟满分120分 所有答案请一定写在答题卡。一 基础知识 40分 一 选择题 6分 1.江姐 许云...


2017 2018学年度第而学期语文期中测试试卷。1.藏戏在演出时可以是没有舞台的。2.拇指姑娘 丑小鸭 海的女儿 出自英国著名童话作家安徒生之手。3.改革开放以来,人民的生活有了明显的提高 这个句子有毛病。六年级语文。测试时间 90分钟满分120分 4.北京的春节差不多在腊月初旬开始,在正月十九结...


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