小学六年级期末检测题 成品

发布 2020-08-04 22:38:28 阅读 8711

英语。时间50分钟2014 .6


听力部分。一、 听音,选出与所听内容相符的**,把序号填在括号内。

) 1. ab2. ab

邮局医院。 ) 3. ab4. ab

) 5. ab6. ab

o6. what did you do on your holiday? i went fishing.


) 1. a. southb. sawc. subway

) 2. a. shorterb. longerc. stronger

) 3. a. studyb. sickc. studied

) 4. a. angryb.

) 5. a. getb. leftc. read

) 6. the clothes b. learned chinese a mountain



)1. a. i’m 48 kg. b. i’m 13 years old. c . i’m 160cm.

)2. tired. b. he has a toothache. c. he’s tall and thin.

)3. a. i watch tv. b. i watched tvc. i am watching tv.

)4. a. i go by bus. b. i went by busc. i’m going by bus.

)5. a. yes, i did. b. yes, i canc. yes, i do.


1. john isthan me.

2. ia mountain yesterday morning.

3.--how did you go to harbin? -i went

4. i’m 46 kg. i’mthan you.

are you, liu yun? you look so


singer actor postcard umbrella picture book


) 1. a . whenb. whatc. wait d. where

) 2. a. youngerb. cleanerc. longer d. shorter

) 3. a. boredb. excitedc. tiredd. had

) 4. a .soreb. northc. eastd. west

) 5. a. eatb. gotc. tookd. saw


) 1. how __she go to work?

a. dob. didc. does

) 2. xiao ming is ten years old. da wei is nine. da wei is than xiao ming.

a. olderb. smallerc. younger

) 3. i h**e a friend. he

a. like collecting stamps b. like to collect stamps c. likes collecting stamps

) 4. i am going tomy grandparents next week.

a. visitb. visitingc. visited

) 5. -where does the rain come from?

---it comes from the

a. sunb. vapourc. clouds

) 6. -i h**e a cold. i can’t go to the party. -i’m to hear that.

a. tiredb. sorryc. excited

) 7. what did you do

a. tomorrowb. tonightc. yesterday

) 8. -how big are your___

---i wear size 17.

a. footb. feetc. leg

) 9did you go on your holiday? i went to qingdao.

a. howb. whatc. where

)10. you books last sunday?

readb. did , readed c. did, reads


1. the watermelon ishe**y / he**ier) than the apple.

2. i canplay/ played) the piano .

3. my mother oftenwatch/ watches) tv in the evening .

going to visit / visited) my grandparents next weekend.

5. my father is ateach/ teacher). he teaches math.

十、认真看图、读对话, 将句子补充完整,每空填写一个单词的正确形式。

1. a: what is your hobby?

b: i like_pthe v

2. a:what did you do yesterday

b: i tpictures .

3. a: what did he do last weekend?

b: he went s .

4 the elephant is b than

the mouse.

5. i feel sick. i h**e a


1. taller are 4 cm me than you

2. last weekend do did you what (?


一 看拼音写词语 9分 y y ngd n cu k s u ku w ch fang h ng k o cu c n k n k i s n e 二 给下面的字选择正确的读音 4分 镌刻 ju n ju n 抚摩 m m 扁舟 bi n pi n 肖像 xi o xi o 塑料 su s 勉强 q...


一 看拼音写词语 9分 y y nd n cu k s u ku w ch fang h ng k o cu c n k n k i s n 二 给下面的字选择正确的读音 4分 镌刻 ju n ju n 抚摩 m m 扁舟 bi n pi n 肖像 xi o xi o 塑料 su s 勉强 qi n...


班级姓名 一 填空题 每空2分,共34分 1 使用杠杆时,当用力点到支点的距离大于阻力点到支点的距离时 当用力点到支点的距离小于阻力点到支点的距离时 当用力点的距离等于阻力点到支点的距离时 2 自行车应用于等简单的机械。3 用一根纸梁,增加它的宽度,它的抗弯曲能力会 同一根纸梁,增加它的厚度,它的抗...