
发布 2020-08-02 23:41:28 阅读 7954


1.笔友 about

3.听** sports

5.爬山 cartoons

7.读故事 kung fu




1. go2. do

11. sleep12. live


to swim in the sea.

mother’s___hobby) are dancing and singing.

father often___read) a news***** after lunch.

friend sometimeswatch) tv in the morning.

likes___make) kites andfly) kites.

6. does your teacher___speak) english in class?

7. we often___do) our homework at home.

8. mike usuallygo) home at 5:00.

9. my grandpa and grandma like going___hike) in spring.

10. my new pen pallive) in australia.


)1. does she live in singapore? a. she likes diving.

)2. how does she go to work? b. i like collecting stamps.

)3. does john like playing the guitar? c. by bus.

)4. what’s your hobbyd. no, she lives in sydney.

)5. what’s her hobbye. no, he likes playing chess.


)1. _kate and tom like collecting stamps?

a. do b. does c. are

)2. the like playing___pipa.

a. a b. the c./

)3. jim likes___tv and___football.

a. to watch; playing b. watching; to play c. watching; playing

) is___in ****** friends on the internet?

a. interest b. interested c. interesting

)5. -what is john’s hobby

a. i like drawing. b. he likes drawing. c. he like drawing.

)6. -does she like drawing pictures

a. yes, she likes. b. yes, she does. c. yes, he does.

)7interesting film it is!

a. what an b. what c. how

)8. your teacher___you because you are late for the class.

a. is happy with b. is worried with c. is angry with

)9. -does your pen pal speak english or french

a. yes, he speaks english.

b. no, he doesn’t speak french.

c. he speaks french.

)10no, he doesn’t.

a. where are you from?

b. does he live in paris?

c. can he go to paris?


1are you going to the library? -this afternoon.

2. -likes flying kites? -jim’s little sister.

3. -does his pen pal live? -he lives in shanghai.

4. -do you go to the park? -we go there by bike.

5is jim’s hobby? -he likes playing football.


1. hobby what your is (?连词成句)

2. she likes drawing pictures.(对画线部分提问)

3. mary likes doing exercises every day.(变为一般疑问句)

4. my pen pal lives in canada. (对画线部分提问)

5. tom likes climbing mountains. (变为否定句)


1. join

2. doesn’t

3. lives

4. best friend

5. sing



姓名:jack 年龄:11 职业:学生上学:乘公共汽车。



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