六年级上册期末冲刺班 第二讲

发布 2020-08-01 02:33:28 阅读 9696




1、what’s the matter,ben?

what’s the matter? =what’s wrong? 表示“怎么啦?”“有什么问题/毛病?”

2、i’m bored. 我很烦。

bored与 boring 的区别:

人 + be + bored

物 + be + boring

3、i’m doing nothing. 我什么也不想做。

i’m doing nothing. =i’m not doing anything.


例如:i can see nothing. =i can not see anything.

4、can i invite all my friends?


all : 指全部。

5、let me write it down.

let + 宾格 let’s + 动词原形。

write it down :写下来。


come to tea 来喝茶 come to a party 来聚会 get wet 淋湿了 go shopping去购物。

go boating 去划船 go swimming 去游泳 go to the cinema 去看电影

go to the circus 去看马戏 go sightseeing 去观光 go for a walk 去散步。

exercise 1:


1有什么问题吗), ben?

2. shall we go to看电影) the lion king?

3. would you like to去电影院) with me?

4. well或许迟些吧).

5. do you want to和我一起去)?

6. i’m没事做).

7. would you like to来我家)?

8. it’s my birthday很快).

9. can we invite我的所有朋友).

10所有的人) in my class.

11. let’s问你的父亲).

12. i want them全都到来).

13. we could在外面野餐).

14. shall i带些食物)?

15. my mother will准备所有食物).

二)module 4:

1、this is mrs white speaking.

this is … speaking.**用语,表示我是谁。

2、may i speak to miss write?

may i speak to … 表示可以找。。。听**吗?

3、i’m afraid. 我恐怕。

4、can i take a message for her ?

take a message 表示捎口信,留言。

5、who’s calling? 你是谁?

6、i’m sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很难过。

7、she needs to get plenty of rest.

plenty of = a lot of 表示大量的。

exercise 2:


1) a: hello. 89575644.

b. hello. m___i speak to ann?

a; she i___here now, i’m a___

b: when will she c___back?

a: i’m sorry i d___know. can i t___a m

b: yes. i’m bob. please ask her to c___me back. my telephone nis 135***

a: all r

b: t___a lot.

2) mrs. chen: hello. is that guangzhou ischool?

miss white: yes.

mrs. chen: may i sto miss white?

miss white: swho’s c___please?

mrs. chen: it’s mrs. chen, ben’s mother h___

miss white: hello, mrs. chen.

mrs. chen: hello. jiamin c___go to school this morning, i’m a___

miss white: what’s w___with him?

mrs. chen: he didn’t feel w___this morning and he h___a fever. i think he has a c___

miss white: did he go to s___the d___

mrs. chen: not yet. but i’m going to t___him to the h___

miss white: he n___to take a rest. don’t w___he’ll be all right s___thank you for your c___goodbye!

mrs. chen: goodbye!




(2)动词的形式:be + 动词ing形式(be指am、are、is;随人称的变化而变化)

否定形式:be not +动词ing形式。

疑问:am/are/is +人称+动词ing形式。

例句:he is going to the bookstore now.

否定:he isn’t going to the bookstore now.

疑问:is he going to the bookstore now?

(3) 当动词要+ing的时候,也有特殊的变化。

① 一般情况下,直接加ing

动词以e结尾,去掉e +ing

以下一些词语要双写最后一个字母,+ ing :run ,swim, get , sit , shop等。

exercise 3:









boydraw)a picture now.

2. listen .some girlssing)in the classroom .

3. my mothercook )some nice food now.

4. what __youdo ) now?

5. look . theyh**e) an english lesson .,water) the flowers now.

the girlsdance )in the classroom .

is our granddaughter doing? shelisten ) to music.

9. it’s 5 o’clock now. weh**e)supper now

10.__helenwash )clothes? yes ,she is .

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