
发布 2020-07-25 12:44:28 阅读 6736

recycle 1复习1visiting grandma and grandpa看望爷爷奶奶。

wu yifan is going to visit his grandparents.吴一凡要去看望爷爷奶奶。

listen and circle.听一听,然后圈出来。

robin, how do we get to my grandparents' new house from here?罗宾,我们怎么从这里去爷爷奶奶的新房子?

can you use your gps?你能用gps吗?


first go straight, then turn left.首先直走,然后左转。

at the traffic lights, we will turn left and walk 100 meters.在交通信号灯,我们左转,然后走100米。

then finally, we can see the house.最后,我们就能看见房子了。

good. what time are we le**ing?好。我们什么时候出发?

9 o'clock.九点。

listen again and answer.再听一次,然后回答。

1. are they going by bus or on foot?他们要坐公交车去,还是步行?

2. when are they going?他们什么时候出发?

robin, how do we get to my grandparents' new house from here?can you use your gps? go straight, then turn the traffic lights, we will turn left andwalk 100 finally, we can see the what time are we le**ing?

9 o' listen and tick or cross.现在来听一听,然后打勾或打叉。


don't cross at a red light.不要闯红灯。


you must be more careful.你一定要特别小心。


i can't find my mum.我找不到妈妈了。

oh, let me help you.哦,我来帮你。


you hungry?你饿吗?

yes, i am.是的,我饿了。

there is a restaurant over there.那边有一个餐馆。

let's go and buy some food.我们去买些吃的吧。

good idea.好主意。

you for the food.谢谢给我买食物。

i feel better now.我现在觉得好些了。

let's go to the police station.我们去派出所吧。

they can help you.他们能帮你。

where is it?在哪儿?

we go straight, and then turn right at the crossing.我们直走,然后在十字路口右转。

after that, we'll go straight again.然后我们再直走。

the police station is next to the supermarket.派出所就在超市旁边。

the little boy is waiting for his mother.小男孩在等妈妈。

robin is singing a song to him.罗宾在唱歌给他听。

listen and read the song aloud.听一听,大声朗读歌曲。

hush, little boy, don't say a word.嘘,小男孩,什么也不用说。

papa's going to buy you a little bird.爸爸会给你买一只小鸟。

and if that bird doesn't sing,如果小鸟不唱歌,papa's going to buy you a big, big ring.爸爸会给你买一个大戒指。

and if that ring is lost in class,如果戒指丢在了课堂上,papa's going to buy you a looking glass.爸爸会给你买一面镜子。

and if that looking glass falls down,如果镜子掉地了,well, you'll still be the sweetest boy in town.那么,你还是全城里最可心的小男孩。

hush, little boy, don't say a 's going to buy you a little if that bird doesn't sing,papa's going to buy you a big, big if that ring is lost in class,papa's going to buy you a looking if that looking glass falls down,最新优质教育word文档。

well, you'll still be the sweetest boy in it's your turn.现在该你唱了。

in the song, what is papa going to do?歌曲中,爸爸要做什么?

listen and read aloud.听一听,大声朗读。

man: are you mrs zhang?你是张太太吗?

woman: yes, i am.是的,我是。

thank you so much!非常感谢!



recycle 1 复习1 visiting grandma and grandpa看望爷爷奶奶。wu yifan is going to visit his grandparents.吴一凡要去看望爷爷奶奶。listen and circle.听一听,然后圈出来。robin,how do we g...


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