六年级第十单元复习卷 2

发布 2020-07-24 00:02:28 阅读 2096



air 空气 everywhere处处;到处 alive活着的 factory工厂 smoke烟 dirty脏的 clean 干净的;洁净的 fresh清新的plant种植的 keep...alive让…活着 plant trees 植树。


is the capital of china.北京是中国的首都。

in the north of china.(它在中国的北部。)

in the north of...在。北部)

in the east/west/south of...在…东部/西部/南部)

long does it take to get to shanghai from beijing by train?


how long does it take...是“对花费多长时间来”提问的固定句型。

get to...from...从…到达…

it takes about five hours.(大约花5小时。)

it takes about +时间”是对“how long ..问句的回答语。

take “花费(时间)”

in beijing love eating dumplings.北京人喜欢吃饺子。

love doing sth 意为“喜欢做某事”表示长期性。

lot of tourists enjoy shopping in tokyo. 许多游客喜欢在东京购物。

enjoy doing sth “喜欢做某事”


an hour6.各种各样的。


upon a time8.长大。




h**e two hands and ten f

uncle is a can c___bad people.

there are only about thirty south china tigers in the w

can see some bees,butterflies and ants in the imuseum.

is the cof china.


buildings anything mirror exciting yourself

story is an __about a br**e policeman.

can see a lot of tallin big cities.

write back soon and tell me about

didn’t buyat the car museum.

was a magicon the could talk.


) is in theof china.

) two cities are far awayeach other.

) five hours to get to shanghai from beijing by train

) people in beijing love eating

and chips

) is in

uk us ) lot of __enjoy shopping in tokyo.

) and ben___beside the piano and listened to the music.

) saw a lot of robots in themuseum.

) white was afraid andaway.

) to see a film.


) is played chess with them.

) do people in london love eating? in the uk.

) did you see going to see a film.

) are you going to do this weekend? saw some cars.


one day,mum looked at nick’s shoes and said,“nick,look at your dirty they are!you must clean them.”“i don’t want to clean them if(即使)i clean them today,they will be dirty again tomorrow.

”mum thought for a moment(想了一会儿)and said,“all right,don’t clean it them.”

in the evening,nick came back from was very hungry.“mum,give me something to eat,please,”he said.“you had your breakfast in the morning,nick,and you had lunch at school,”his mother said,“i am hungry again,”cried the boy.

“oh,hungry?but if i give you something to eat today,you will be hungry again tomorrow.”

) day nick’s shoes were very dirty.

) liked to clean his shoes.

) went to school with his dirty shoes.

) was hungry when he came back from school.

) didn’t give him anything to eat because he came back

home late.


星期一。一。重点词汇 写5 1遍,并背写一遍 capital 首都 north 北 北部 east 东 东部 west西 西部 south 南 南部 tourist 游客 building建筑物 楼房。星期二。一 重点句型 重点句型内容写2遍,背诵第一篇课文,熟读第二篇课文 is the capit...

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