
发布 2020-07-21 21:50:28 阅读 2698







1. myis52 years old.

2. there is noin this house. so it is very

3. when did youa

4. pleasethe hole with

5. robin hood lived in aof trees.



) 1. sally is an australian girl.

) 2. sally is with long brown hair and blonde eyes.

) 3. sally was smaller.

) 4. sally weights 55 kilos now.

) 5. her mother moved to the new house far away from the school.






) bed room is __than mine

a. bright b. brighter c. brightest d. more bright

) tree is __than that one

a. tall b. taller c. tallest d. more tall

) 3. beijing is __than guangzhou

a. cold b. more cold c. much colder d. many cold

) 4. let me __you my photos

a. listen b. look c. see d. show

) 5. welcome __my garden

a. to b. for c. at d. on

) 6. in 1979, deng xiaoping __an important speech in guangdong.

a. make b. is ****** c. made d. will make

) 7. i am __a story about lu xun

a. seeing b. see c. read d. reading

) 8. _the lady happy when the shoots appeared

a. is b. are c. was d. did

) 9. it’s time __pick up the fruit

a. to b. for c. at d. in

) 10. four years ago, tom __a hole in his garden

a. dig b. is digging c. dug d. will dig

) 11. i __the museum last week

a. visited b. is visiting c. visit d. will visit

) 12. the 2012 olympic games __in london

a. is held b. was held c. be held d. will be held

) 13. mao zedong __born in 1893

a. is b. was c. are d. will be

) 14. i’m going to __the house next sunday

a. clean b. cleaned c. cleaning d. cleans

) 15. _you __your work on time

a. does…finish b. are…finish c. is…finish d. did…finish


( )1.如果你们班来了新同学,向他/她表示欢迎,你可以说:

a. welcome to my room. b. please come in to our class.

( )2.如果你想邀请朋友来你的生日晚会,你可以说:

a. come to my house. b. would you like to come to my birthday party?

c. you could come to my birthday party.

( )3. 当你有一个建议,想征求朋友们的意见如何,你最好说:

a. shall you go to the park and play badminton?

b. we go to the park and play badminton, do you know?


2015 2016学年第二学期。六年级英语复习卷 unit1 6 unit 1 slow and steady wins the race 要点难点都知道 to do something 努力做某事如 she tried to eat with his left hand because his r...


跨跃英语。六年级同步班第一讲 unit 一 你要掌握的重要词汇。1名字 2这个 3遇见 4谢谢 5哥哥 6新的 7老师 8早上好。9好 10下午好。11孩子孩子们 12也 13头 14脸 15头发 16.耳朵 17鼻子 18嘴巴 9.手臂 20手 21腿 22脚 二 你要掌握的句子。1.hello!...


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