小学六年级上册英语5 6知识点总结

发布 2020-07-15 15:04:28 阅读 5659

2014槐林小学六年级英语unit 5 what does he do?知识点总结。


factory工厂 worker,工人postman,邮递员businessman商人 police officer警察fisherman渔民 scientist,科学家pilot飞行员 coach教练job工作, tamer驯服手 dangerous危险 farmer农民 honey蜂蜜 stung叮 assistant助手接待员 cracker骇客解密高手 nuts果仁think of考虑/有。。。想法go to work去工作 study hard努力学习 stay healthy保持健康 go home 回家 lots of许多 go to the camp去度假营 be good at擅长。。。head teacher校长。


do(三单) does work(三单) works he(主格) his(所有格) him(宾格)

she(主格) her(宾格或所有格) business(名词) businessman

fish(名词) fisher can (否定形式)can’t drive (名词)driver teach (名词)teacher country(复数)countries clean(名词)cleaner write (名词)writer sing(名词)singer dancer (动词)dance player(动词) play worker(动词) work is(否定形式) isn’t

go(现在分词) going see(三单) sees big (反义词)small

tall (反义词)short thin(反义词) fat/strong short (反义词)tall/long

sea(同音词) see lots of =a lot of has (原形)h**e

healthy(名词) health life (动词)live hard(反义词) easy stay(三单) stays study (三单)studies science(名词) scientist university(复数) universities those(反义词) these

different (反义词)same like(三单) likes go(三单) goes want(三单) wants run(现在分词) running report (名词)reporter use(现在分词) using quick (副词)quickly they(主格) them(宾格) their(所有格) children (单数)child didn’t (否定形式)don’t /doesn’t unusal (反义词)usual dangerous (反义词)safe farm(名词) farmer test(名词) tester eat (现在分词)eating h**e(三单) has


does he do? he’s a businessman.

这是一个询问职业的句型, 它的构成是“ what do/ does+某(些)人+do?”,可以用“某人+ be+ a/an+职业名词”来回答。 询问职业还有一个句型是“ what + be+某人?

”。如上面的句子还可以说“ what is he ?”

表示职业的词:worker工人 postman邮递员businessman商人coach教练。

police officer警察 fisherman渔民 scientist, cleaner清洁工doctor医生。

nurse** dentist牙医 tailor裁缝 salespersons售货员 pianist钢琴家。

2 .-where does he work?--he works at sea.

当你想询问他人在哪儿工作时, 用“ where do/ does+ 某(些)人+ work?”这个句型。 我们通常用一个表示地点的介宾短语来回答这个句型。


表示地点的介词短语:at a university 在一所大学in a gym在一个体育馆

at sea 在海上on a boat在船上 at the zoo在动物园 in a school 在一所学校。

in a car company在一家汽车公司 in a bank在一家银行。

3. -how does he go to work?--he goes to work by bike.

要询问别人的上班方式, 可以用“ how do/ does+人物+ go to work?”句式来询问, 回答时要用到”by+交通工具的单词“或者是on foot。

表示交通方式的词: by the no.15 bus乘15路公交车on foot步行,

by bus 乘公交车 by plane,乘飞机 by taxi 乘出租车by ship乘船。

by subway 乘地铁by train乘火车 by bike骑自行车by ferry乘轮渡。

4. what a great job!


what+(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语+(it is). 如:

what a clever girl she is!


小学六年级上册unit 6 how do you feel


angry生气afraid害怕 sad伤心worried担心 happy快乐see a doctor看医生wear穿 more,更多deep身 breath呼吸 take a deep breath深呼吸count to ten 数到十popcorn爆米花 make,制作wait等check检查planted种植的过去式grow生长或成长a little worried有一点点担心be angry with…与。。。生气be afraid of 。。害怕。。。

do more exercise做更多的运动 wear warm clothes穿暖和的衣服 get some drinks拿一些饮料 h**e some popcorn 吃一些爆米花chase the mice追赶老鼠。


first(基数词)one chase (三单)chases mice(单数) mouse chase (现在分词)chasing these (反义词)those these(单数) this sad(反义词) happy here()反义词 there can’t (肯定形式)can can’t (完全形式)can not don’t(完全形式) do not feel (三单)feels friends (单数)friend suggestions(单数) suggestion warm (反义词)cool cold (反义词)hot clothes(单数)clothe much (比较级)more worry(形容词) worried sunny(名词) sun hears (动词原形)hear say (三单)says strong(反义词) thin strong (近义词)fat should(否定形式) shouldn’t picture(复数) pictures ant(复数) ants tell(反义词) retell hungry(反义词) full bad (反义词)good ill(反义词) healthy ******(原形) make doing (原形)do planted (原形)plant plant(动词过去式) planted waiting(动词原形) wait


are afraid of him.

此句中be afraid of 意为“ 害怕某人”。 例如: i am afraid of my maths teacher. 我害怕我的数学老师。

cat is angry with them.

此句中be angry with意为“ 对某人生气”。例如: i broken the cup.

my mother is angry with me. 我打碎了杯子。 妈妈对我很生气。


此句用于询问对方有什么问题或有什么不顺心的事情, 意为: 怎么啦? 出什么事了?

例如: a: what’s wrong, jim? 吉姆,你怎么啦?

b: maybe i am ill. 也许我病了。

should see a doctor this morning建议某人应该做某事的句型。

此句中should 为情态动词,表示“应该,应当”。此句用来给别人提建议。例如:

he should work harder. 他应该更加努力。

you should help your mother with the housework. 你应该帮你母亲做家务。

5. what are you doing?

此句是现在进行时态的特殊疑问句, 其基本结构为:疑问词+be+主语+其他?例如:

what is he doing now?回答:he is swimming.

肯定句结构为:主语+be+动词-ing形式+其他。例如:we are running now.


pep六年级上册四会句型1011 pep六年级上册三会句型12 pep六年级下册单词句型总复习。单词考点 单词考点 unit 1 tall taller更高。白勺short shorter更矮白勺strong stronger更强壮白勺old older年龄更大白勺白勺young younger b...


一 单词 词组 50个 museum博物馆post left向左转turn right向右转go straight直行onfoot步行bybus乘公共汽车byplane乘飞机by ship乘船by train乘火车by taxi乘出租车stop停slow慢的wait等待see a film看电影ta...


六 完全形式和缩略形式 not wasn t not weren t is there s not can t not couldn t are we re not isn t not shouldn t not don t not doesn t not didn t us let s is am...