
发布 2020-07-09 08:20:28 阅读 4358




scientist3. postcard4. evening5. count to ten


front of the door.7. he works at sea.

8. he likes playing should see a doctor.10. how can we get there?

三、请听小对话,从a、b、c中选出你听到的正确**,并用2b铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(每个小题读两遍) do you h**e comic books?b:

yes, here you what are your hobbies?b: i like doing kung how do you come to school?

b: i usually come on foot.

14. a: what are you going to do next week?

b: we are going to see a what does he look like?b:

big and tall.


a: how can we get to the post office?

b: we can go by bike! go straight from the hospital.

then turn right. it’s next tothe cinema. come on!

let’s go!

a: no, wait a minute. it’s a red light! we must stop and wait.


2015年小学六年级毕业考试英语模拟考卷 一 听力材料。时量 40分钟,满分100分。听音选词。在每题中选择与录音相同的选项,并将其代号填入题前。括号内。10分 1.bread 2.horse 3.make 4.kite 5.sun 6.around 7.cake 8.hand 9.meet 10....


animals 动物 基础练习。i.listen and choose.听录音,根据所听内容选择相应的 1.abc.2.abc.3.abc.4.abc.ii.listen and number.听录音,根据所听内容给 排序。iii.listen and match.听录音,将人名和他们各自喜欢的动物...


六年级汉语听力。听力部分 20分。1 a 星期六 b 星期日 c 暑假 d 放学。2 a 一个人 b 两个人 c 三个人 d 四个人。3 a 去公园 b 看电影 c 动物园 d 家里。4 a 动作片 b 搞笑片 c 动画片 d 悲剧。5 a 聊天 吃饭 b 吃冰 吃饭 c 玩游戏 吃饭 d 吃冰 玩...