六年级综合试卷 听力和答案

发布 2020-07-20 23:25:28 阅读 9048

6. b 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. c

二、listen and choose


1. a: are they socks?

b: no, they aren’t. they are shoes.

2. mike is 45 kg. zhang peng is 53 kg.

3. a: when do you usually get up, amy?

b: i usually get up at 7:05

4. a: happy children’s day!

b: thank you.

5. a: mom, i am hungry.

b: what would you like for dinner, mike?

a: i’d like some tomatoes.

6. my father likes drawing pictures and math. he works in a car company.

7. look at the tigers. they are fighting.

8. nick can’t play with his friends. he has nothing to do.

9. a: did you go skating on your holiday?

b: no, i went skiing.

10. mrs green is my aunt. she is a salesperson.

答案:1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a

6. a 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. b

三、listen and choose



1. is australia near china?

2. when are you going there?

3. what does mr li do after dinner?

4. where does the vapour come from?

5. how did you go to harbin last winter holiday?

6. what’s the weather like today?

7. where is the supermarket?

8. what did you do last wednesday?

9. with whom did you go to beijing last summer holiday?

10. what is she going to do tomorrow?

答案:1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b

6. b 7. a 10. a

四、listen and fill



1. tom: what are you going to do this afternoon?

amy: i am going to dive. i like diving.

2. john: does your mother teach math?

jack: no, she teaches music.

3. lucy: what’s the matter with you?

lily: i h**e a toothache.

4. jane: where did you go last winter holiday?

may: i went to harbin and made a snowman.

5. her uncle is not a writer. he is an engineer.

6. the apple is sweet and the grapes are sour.

7. tom is taller than me and i am he**ier than him.

8. guangzhou is in the south of china.

五、listen and choose


miss yang is a beautiful woman. she works in a supermarket. she often goes to work on foot.

because it’s not far. but she is going by car today, because it’s rainy. she usually goes to work at 8:

00 in the morning, and goes back home at 6:00 in the afternoon. she likes playing the piano.

she likes her job, too.

答案:1. f 2. f 3. f 4. t 5. t

六、read and choose


答案: 1. c 2. g 3. f 4. e 5. a 6. b

七、read and choose (阅读理解,每小题1.5分,共15分)

a刚刚了解完alice的情况,再让我们来读一篇有关alice的文章吧,然后进行判断,对的用“t”表示,错的用“ f”表示。(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)

答案: 1. f 2. t 3. f 4. t 5. f


答案:1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a

八、read and fill


答案: 1. name 2. twelve 3. playing 4. climbing 5. diving

6. because 7. food 8. yummy 9. going 10. went

九、ask and answer


答案: 1. what’s your mother? 或 what does your mother do

2. what’s the matter with you?

3. can you fly a kite today?

4. how many apples do you h**e?

5. when do you get up?

十、look and write


1. 符合图意,人称、时态等无误,语句通顺,写满五句话。则得满分10分。

2. 符合图意,写满五句话,出现错误,则:






潮安县2011 2012学年度第一学期期末质量检测卷。六年级英语试卷听力材料及参 听力材料。一 听录音,根据录音内容,把下列对话补充完整。10分 1.how can i get to the nature park?you can go by bus.2.do you know the post o...


语文试卷 一 基础知识积累与运用 42分 1 根据拼音写汉字,并按要求答题。9分 h l nt n tw 吞枣不安恍然大 r ng r ngjc i 熙熙不 一格兴高烈。同音字 qu n 愈缩势。2 根据前面的提示,把下列带 手 的成语补充完整。6分 形容极为兴奋形容医术高明形容重归于好。形容十分喜...


品德部分。一1.诚实守信或诚信生存发展 2.身体上心理上 3.故意疏远过于亲密正常交往纯真的友谊 4.黄帝炎帝炎黄子孙 5.中国 6.司南二 ccbdac ac 三 四 孙子兵法李时珍科学家。地动仪祖冲之军事家。本草纲目孙武数学家。圆周率张衡医药学家。史记孔子史学家。兰亭序李白书法家。望天门山王羲之...