
发布 2020-06-01 17:30:28 阅读 8393



)1、a、 cake b、 grapes c、 apple d、 face

)2、a、 egg b、 bed c、 pen d、 she

)3、a、 bike b、 kite c、 milk d、 rice

)4、a、 box b、 nose c、 fox d、 lock

)5、a、 cute b、 tube c、 music d、 cup


三。 写出下列单词的正确形式。(共10分)

1. isn’t (完全形式)__2. they’re(完全形式)__

3. do not (缩略形式)__4. first(基数词。

5. sheep(复数形式6. fans (单数形式。

7. two (同音词8. hot(反义词。

9. big(反义词10 long(反义词。


) 1. a. dogb. horsec. pants

) 2. a. lunchb. waterc. dinner

) 3. a. class b. art classc. art room

) 4. a. jeansb. shortsc. it’s

) 5. a. rainyb. prettyc. snowy

) 6. a. appleb. watermelonc. sixty

) 7. a. t-shirt b. shortc. jacket

) 8. a. myb. shec. he

) 9. a. fiveb. finec. nine

) bedb. blackc. red




)1.welcome our school.


)2、-what’s the weather like in hebei?

it’s .

a、blackb、sunny c、orange

)3、what are they?

a、they are sheeps. b、they are sheep c、yes ,they are

)4、 is it? it’s 8:30.

a、whatb、where c、what time

)5、 is this dress ?it’s eighty yuan.

a、how many b、how much c、how

)6、can i wear my shirt? .

a、yes ,you can b、no ,you can c、yes , i do

)7、i like the white sweater the blue jeans.


)8、it’s8:00、it’s time english class.


)9- is the computer room?

it's the first floor.

a、where,on b、 what,on c、where,in

)10、— yes .some bananas ,please .

a、excuse me. b、what’s this?c、can i help you?

)11、-are they cows

a、yes ,they are. b、no ,they are. c、they are hens.

)12、- size five.

a、what size b、what’s this c、what’s size

)13、it’s sunny in beijing. new york?

a、how much b、how about c、how many

)14、it’s time go to bed


)15、this the weather report.


七.根据问句,选择答语,并把序号填在横线上。 (共10分)

1、-where are my pants

2、-whose hat is it

3、-can i wear my shirt

4、-is this a teacher’s desk

5、-what colour is it


1.your computer is that (

2. let football play us (.

3. it colour is what (?

4. are how there many cats (

5. it london is in rainy (



a.阅读短文, 选择正确答案。

my name is billy . i’m a boy . i am eleven .

i’m in china now . my father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher . i like chinese food , but my parents (父母亲) don’t .

they like bread . i h**e a nice room . there’s a bed , a desk and a chair in it .

there’re many books on the desk . i like books . i often (经常)read books in the evening .

)1. billy is

a. a boy b. eleven c. in china d. a,b and c

)2. billy’s father is

a. a teacher b. a doctor c. chinese d. a worker

)3. billy likes

a. chinese b. chinese food c. bread d. english

)4. billy has aroom .


四年级期末测试卷。一 选择恰当的字母或字母组合补全单词。5分 1.w m 温暖的 a.rab.arc.2.n ce 好的 a.lb.rc.i 3.l ch 午餐 a.unb.4.pr tty 精致的 a.eb.5.ch p 便宜的 a.二 找出下列单词中不同类的一项。10分 1.a.potatob....


巫山县2011年春季期末教学质量检测。四年级语文试卷。满分 100分时限 90分钟 积累运用 45分 一 我会读拼音,规范地写词语。8分 w n y n x sh ngy ji n k ng y ch n ku n d il c ij ng p i 二 看拼音写出相应的字。4分 ch ng现实功路。...


巫山县2011年春季期末教学质量检测。四年级语文试卷。满分 100分时限 90分钟 积累运用 45分 一 我会读拼音,规范地写词语。8分 w n y n x sh ngy ji n k ng y ch n ku n d il c ij ng p i 二 看拼音写出相应的字。4分 ch ng现实功路。...