
发布 2020-06-01 17:29:28 阅读 4663




一. 选择下面的汉语意思,把字母编号写入题前的括号内。(10分)

)1. library a.教室 b.办公室 c. 图书馆。

)2. gym a. 操场 b体育馆 c 美术教室。

) a. 晚餐 b 午餐 c.时间。

)4. homework a. 家 b. 家庭作业 c**。

) room a **教室 b 美术教室 c 体育馆二。读下二。读下面的单词,找出不同类的一个,并把答案前的字母编号写入题前的括号内。(10分)

) 1. a. first b. two c. second

2. a. this b. that c. where

3. a. playground b. teachers’office c. computer

4. a. gym b. homework c. library

5. a. lunch b. breakfast c. water

6. a. window b. board c. black

7. a. long hair b. friend c. big eyes

8. a. dinner b. gym c. breakfast

9. a. get up b. time c. go home

10. class class c. computer room

三. 小小翻译家。(10分)

up9. art room10. go home


) 1. where’s the library?

it’sthe art room.

a. next b. next to c. on

2. is this the teachers’office?

a. yes, it isn’t. b. yes, it is. c. no, it is.

3. do you h**e a music room?

yes. it’sthe first floor.

a. in b. next to c. on

4. it’6:30. it’s time get up.

a. for b. to c. in

5time is it ?

it’s 8 o’clock.

a. where b. how c. what


bird (

3. face make3. hope home (

5. time it


office b. playground c. garden d. library

1. go to the

read a book.

2. go to the

say hello.

3. go to the

play football.

4. go to the

water the flowers.


) 1.当你想知道时间,你应该说:

a. where is the gym? b. what time is it?

b. is this the library?

2. 你想知道美术教室在哪,你应该说。

a. where is the music room? b. where is the art class? is the art room?

) 3. 你想表达在二楼,你应该说。

a. it’s next to the library.

b. it’s on the two floor.

c. it’s on the second floor.

) 4. 你想说该上英语课了,你应该说。

a. it’s time to english class.

b. it’s time for english class. 8 o’clock.

) 5. 你想向别人介绍“那是操场”,你应该说:

a. this is the playground. is the playground.

is the playground.


a.art room b. dinner c. music class d. lunch

e. english class office

1, breakfast

2, music room


that the computer room?

many students are there in your class?

3. where’s the teachers’ office?

4. do you h**e a music room?


there is a library in our school. it’s next to our on the first floor. it’s big.

the computer room is on the second floor.

) library is on the first floor.

) 2. the library is in our classroom.

) 3. the computer room is on the first floor.


第二学期 苏教版 期中检测。四年级语文。小博士提示你 1.小朋友已学会用钢笔写字了,答题时一定要用钢笔,否则要扣分哦!2.答题时,字迹要规范,否则扣4分。基础知识测试 52分 1 请你给下面带点的字选择正确的读音,在正确的读音下打 4分 栽 z i zh i 树绽 zh n d ng 放 海滨 b ...


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