
发布 2020-05-29 22:32:28 阅读 5015



unit 3--culture 1)


i 听力部分。


)1. a. violinb. pianoc. music

)2. a. saturday b. sundayc. friday

)3. a. writing b. shopping c. reading

)4. a. get home b. get upc. go home

)5. a. go to bed b. go to sleep c. go to school

)6. a. todayb. tomorrow c. birthday

)7. a. mathb. monthc. mouth

)8. a. thinkb. thankc. thanks

)9. a. twenty b. thirtyc. forty

)10. a. indiab. australiac. china



( )4. playing (

5. up7. english8. chinese (

9. thursday10. australia (


) 1. a. it’s mondayb. it’s six o’clock. c. it’s mom's birthday

) 2. a. no, i don’tb. yes, i am. c. no, i’m not.

) 3. a. they are singing. b. he’s writing. c. we are swimming.

) 4. a. i h**e breakfast at 7:10b. i h**e lunch at 11:30.

c. i h**e dinner at 7:00.

) 5. a. yes, it isb. no, i’m not. c. we play the violin.


)1. a. today b. monday c. thursday

)2. a. math b. science c. subjects

)3. a. cola b. rice c. noodles

)4. a. face b. mice c. nose

)5. a. dinner b. breakfast c. rice

) 6. a. face b. dance c. sing


1. what are you doing? i’m reading . ab

time to get upab

3. it’s time for bedab

day is it today? it’s wednesday. ab

gets home at seven o’clock. ab

mother is fortyab


h**e 3. up class


) day is it todaya. i like apples.

) does jenny do on sunday? b. thanks.

)3. what do you likec. yes, she is.

)4. happy birthdayd. tuesday.

)5. is she talle. she plays ping-pong.


)1. it’s time get up. it’s timeschool.

a. at/tob. on/for c. to/for

) play pianosaturday.

a . the/forb. 不填/onc. the/on

) go to school6:30.

a. in b. on c. at

)4. what time do you

a. get homeb. getting home c. get to home

)5. what time is it now

a. it’s at seven o’clock. b. it’s seven o’clock. c. it’s seven clocks.

)6. ado they get home? b: at 5:30.

where c. what time

)7. do you get up at six in the morning(早上。

a. yes, i amb. yes, i get upc. yes, i do

)8. ab: it’s ten twenty.

a. what day is it? b. what color is it c. what time is it?

) at 7:30 in the morning.

a. h**eb. h**ingc. has

) happy birthday. b

a. thank you b. okc. happy birthday

)11the windows. i am hot.

a. open b. close c. touch

)12is the first(第一)day of a week.

a. friday b. saturday c. sunday.

六、 看图完成句子,一空一词(10分)

1. i playon sunday. 12. 2.

2. what day is it today?

it’s3. what time do they get home34.

they get home at

4. my brother can play thevery well.

5. my mom’s birthday is on5.


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