
发布 2020-05-29 21:56:28 阅读 4223


班级: 姓名:


) cat


) what is in your schoolbag?

) what colour is it?

) a new ruler.

) it’s red.

) how nice! i like it.


) is the classroom?

)2. we a new classroom.

)3. the door yellow.

)4. colour is the classroom?

a. who b. what c. where

)5. how rulers do you h**e?


)1. what’s in your schoolbag? a. yes, mum.

)2. what colour is itb. a maths book,two storybooks.

)3. where is your toyc. it’s a bee.

)4. is everything in your schoolbag? d. it’s on the bed.

)5. what’s thise. it’s blue.



a. where is my schoolbag?

b. what is in the schoolbag?

c. what’s this?


a. this is a new classroom.

b. we h**e a new classroom.

c. let’s clean the classroom.


a. open the window.

b. clean the window.

c. it is a window.


a. good job!

b. good idea.

c. thank you.


a. put your pencil box on your desk.

b. put your pencil box under your desk.

c. put away your pencil box.


)1. let clean the window.

c./ )2is in your computer room?

some computers.

a. where b. what’s c. what

)3. the door yellow. the fans white.

)4. here

it is you

)5. i h**e 3 in my schoolbag.


i new schoolbag my (.

what your book colour chinese (?

is what schoolbag your (?

let’s classroom the (!

where the is (?


) chinese


)1. your bag is he**y.

)2. she short hair.

)3. we’re

)4. name is zhang peng.

a. his b. he c. him

)5. he is very


) it’s too he**y .

) three keys, two toys and some books.

) what colour is your schoolbag?

) what’s in your bag?

) it’s blue and white.


班级: 姓名:


) theclassroom?

) thelight.

)4.–where is it?


a. near b. at c. in

) 5. the boy is __tall!

a. to b. so c. at

) nice to meet you.

johna. nice to meet you, too.

b. good morning.

) what’s in the classroom?

wu yifan

a. a board, two lights.

b. it’s nice and clean.


a. what’s in the classroom?

b. what’s on the board?


h**e a pen.


一 指导思想 为了扭转九年级学生当前英语成绩普遍较低的现象,促进全体学生学习英语的兴趣,加强学生对英语单词的记忆,夯实英语基础知识,扩大词汇量大面积提高英语成绩,备战即将临近的中考 经研究决定举行九年级英语知识水平竞赛。二 竞赛内容及安排 结合毕业班教材的主要学习内容,和学生实际掌握情况,由毕业班英...


2013 2014四年级下学期英语竞赛试题。班级姓名分数。一1 根据提示写出单词。共5小题,计5分,答案写在答题纸上 1.家,家庭2.喜欢,爱。3.谁4.十二点二十5.农民。2 选择划线字母读音与其它三个不同的单词。5分 二 选择与问题相应的答案。5分 1.what are you doinga i...


绝密 启用前。白彦中心校四年级英语元旦竞赛题。学校姓名班级考号。注意事项栏 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名 班级 考号等信息。2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上。一 单词拼写 本题共道题,每小题分,共计分 3.把下面的字母组成单词,并写出其汉语意思。1 s,e,k,d 2 i,a,r,h,c 3 o,l,o...