
发布 2020-05-29 20:45:28 阅读 7082

镇江路小学08-09第一学期四年级趣味英语竞赛name class

一、 给单词找家,请将中英意思相符合的序号填在相应括号里。20’

灯( )教室( )十二( )来自于( )对( )

同学( )地板( )瓶子( )二十( )也许( )

a、classroom b、floor c、light d、twelve e、right

f、twenty g、from h、bottle i、classmate j 、perhaps


sarah miss white mike amy john



1、what’s in your classroom ?

a、电扇电灯操场 b、一个教室 c、桌子、椅子、窗户

2、who’s your english teacher ?

a、mr sun b、mrs wang c、miss zhang

3、how many storybooks do you h**e ?

a、five b、five notebooks c、i like them.

4、what colour is your english book ?

a、two b、blue c、black

5、do you like balloons ?

a、no, i don’t. b、yes. it is. c、ok.

6、may i h**e a look ?

a、sure, here you are. b、no. c、not at all.

7、我的座位在**? (

a、wow ! it’s so big !b、it’s near the on the wall.

8、你的好朋友喜欢什么? (

a、she is quite . b、she is painting . c、she likes music .

9、今天谁值日? (

a、sit down. b、mike. c、stand up .

10、我能采访一下你吗? (

a、sorry , i don’t know . b、sure . c、thank you .





1、zhenjiang road primary school

2、class begins .

3、one , two ,three. sit , sit, straight!!

4、listen carefully, please .

5、are you ready ?

6、open your book. .

7、come here , please .


1. one minus one isn’t zero. it’s a letter(字母). what is it?

2. he is a lucky(幸运) dog. here “a lucky dog” means

a. 一只幸运的狗 b. 幸运儿 c. 热狗。

rains(下雨) cats and dogs. “cats and dogs” means

a. 下狗下猫 b. 狗和猫 c. 倾盆大雨。


i h**e a new friend . she has long black hair and big eyes . she is tall and thin , she is very beautiful .


南白象一小四年级数学趣味知识竞赛。班级姓名得分。一 填空题 每空3分,共36分,1 一根12米长的绳子折成等长的3折,再对折一次,然后从正中间剪开,则一共剪成 根绳子,最短的是 米。2.今年小红和小林的年龄之和比爸爸小16岁,过四年后,小 岁?3.主人追他的狗,狗跑三步的时间主人跑两步,但主人一步的...


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