
发布 2020-05-27 15:52:28 阅读 5315





unit 2


飞走我在山的附近找到它。 a day!多么糟糕的一天啊!

unit 3

back to回到the national day holiday国庆假期 did you go for the holiday?你去**度假了? home在家。

my aunt拜访我的阿姨visit the shanghai museum参观上海博物馆 was your holiday?你的假期怎么样 oranges摘桔子go fishing去钓鱼 some fish抓一些鱼。

did you call me?你为什么打**给我? wanted to give you the fish.

我想要给你这条鱼 farm near star lake一个靠着星星湖的农场。

does liu tao’s aunt live?刘涛的阿姨住在**? he go fishing?他去钓鱼了吗?

13. a fashion show一场时装展be excited about对…感到兴奋 great fun!多么有趣啊!问。。。关于。。。

the show go well?时装展进展顺利吗? first起先。

was he**y rain.下大雨。 the car洗车。

unit 4

and now过去和现在2….years ago。。。年前 letters to写信给。。。

telephone in the office在办公室里用** people anywhere在任何地方打**。

to the radio听广播read news*****s for news读报纸得到新闻 news on the internet在网上看新闻 friends at school在学校交朋友 things from shops从商店里买东西 over the world=around the world全世界 shopping购物。

out of the window朝窗外看 on继续。

day is today?今天星期几? angry生气。

for the answer等答案。

unit 5

a shopping centre在一家购物中心。

does it mean?/what does the sign mean?它的意思是什么?/这个标志的意思是什么?

means you can’t eat or drink here.它的意思是这里禁止饮食。 fruit shop一家水果店。

are eating some noodles in a restaurant.他们正在一家餐馆里吃面。 someone smoking?有人在抽烟吗?

a man is smoking in the restaurant.一个男人正在餐馆里抽烟。 you see that sign?

你能看到那个标志吗? your juice into the shop把饮料带进这家店 to the girl对那个女孩说 on an outing进行一次远足 are you doing?你在做什么?


brought some for lunch.我带了一些作为午餐。 sam a banana给sam一个香蕉 on继续走。

see a lot of / lots of monkeys around them.他们看见很多猴子在他们的周围。 know why we shouldn’t eat bananas here.


unit 6

of our city我们城市的** our city clean?我们的城市干净吗? our city clean保持我们的尝试整洁。

makes the streets messy and dirty?什么使街道变得又乱又脏? smoke from factories makes the air dirty.

工厂排放的黑烟使空气变脏。 rubbish in the water and the fish are dead.水里有垃圾,鱼也死了。

can we do to keep our school clean?我们能做什么来保持我们的学校整洁? the bus /metro to school乘公交车/地铁上学walk to school步行上学 some factories away from our city把一些工厂从我们的城市里搬走 the rubbish in the bin把垃圾放进垃圾箱里 more trees种更多树。

12. help keep the air clean有助于净化空气 done.做得好。

the floor扫地clean the tables/chairs擦桌子。

the rubbish on the floor把垃圾扔在地板上 named jack一只叫jack。

in the city住在这座城市里go to hospital生病住院go to the hospital去医院 are many museums.有许多博物馆。

slips on the banana skin and 踩在香蕉皮上,滑到了。

keep the park clean, we should put rubbish in the bin.为了保持公园整洁,我们应该把垃圾放进垃圾箱里。

unit 7

the earth保护地球on earth在地球上 water to clean things every day每天用水洗东西。

many places, there is not much water.在许多地方没有很多水。 water浪费水s**e water/energy节约用水/节约能源。

of our energy comes from coal and oil.我们的大部分能源来自煤炭和石油。come from = be from来自。

is not much coal or oil on earth.地球上没有许多煤炭和石油。

should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.我们不应该经常开车因为汽车要用很多能源。

use wood to make tables and many other things.我们用木头制作桌子和许多其他东西。 down too many trees砍太多树help keep the air clean有助于净化空气。

use too much plastic不要使用太多塑料use too many plastic bottle使用太多塑料瓶 bad for对….有害be good for对…有利。

a project做一个课题tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事 doing sth.开始做某事。

me draw the earth first.让我先把地球画好。 poster is ready.海报准备好了。

it at the school gate把它贴在学校大门上。

unit8an email from收到…的邮件send an email to发一封邮件给… going to be chinese new year next week.下周就是春节了。 excited to do sth.


family and i are going to buy some new clothes.我和我的家人准备去买一些新衣服。 some tangyuan做一些汤圆。

chinese new year’s eve在除夕夜on chinese new year’s day在年初一on the second day of chinese new year在年初二at chinese new year在新年期间 dinner with my grandparents和祖父母一起吃晚饭。

parents are going to give me red packets.我的父母准备给我红包。 are going to watch fireworks in the evening.

我们准备晚上去看烟花。 a lion dance看舞狮表演。

for寻找something good一些好东西。

mum is cooking dumplings in the kitchen. bobby的妈妈正在厨房里下饺子。 red packets after dinner晚饭后收红包。

about谈论plans for chinese new year’s day年初一的计划 are you going to do at chinese new year?新年期间你准备做什么? are going to see aunt alice in the morning.

我们准备上午去看爱丽丝阿姨。 are watching fireworks.他们正在看烟花。

was nice to get your email.很高兴收到你的来信。 food are you going to make?

你们准备做什么食物? places are you going to visit?你们准备参观什么地方?

is he going to buy at chinese new year?新年期间他准备做什么?


1.山中访友 清爽吟诵唱和瀑布挺拔身躯精致蕴含奥秘。侠客德高望重岁月悠悠波光明灭津津乐道。2.山雨 神奇优雅辨认清新欢悦凝聚清脆奇妙无比。3.草虫的村落 静谧追随寒暄小巷俏丽烘烤音韵演奏。探索勤勉漫游亲吻左冲右撞熙熙攘攘。意味深长庞然大物行色匆匆。4.索溪峪的 野 拔地而起望而生畏千峰万仞浩气长舒随...


清新。吟诵。唱和。瀑布。挺立。身躯。精巧。包蕴。隐秘。侠客。德高望重。岁月悠悠。波光明灭。津津乐道。2.山雨 奇异。文雅。辨认。3.草虫的村落 宁静。追随。寒暄。勤奋。漫游。亲吻。庞然大物。行色匆匆。4.索溪峪的 野 拔地而起。望而生畏。不拘一格。直插云天。5.詹天佑 杰出。修建。设计。勘测。铲平。...


六年级听写默写。1 我们爱你啊,中国 帕米尔景德镇陶瓷屋脊硕果开拓浓妆淡抹云雾飘渺波澜壮阔银装素裹盎然醇美巍峨气魄清奇俊秀光洁绚丽2 郑成功 ba四声 3 把我的心脏带回祖国 肖邦咏唱口腔一腔热血满腔热血忧虑蜡烛烛光巴黎黎明卡片贺卡。深渊弥留之际与世长辞悲愤欲绝4 闻官军收河南河北 示儿 默写。涕泪...