
发布 2020-05-27 02:53:28 阅读 9903








二、找出不同类的单词。 (10分)

1.( a. count b. draw

2.( a. spring

4. (c. may

5. (a. uncle b. closet d. curtain


2. (a .climb

3. (b. pear

4. (a. soup b. cloud d. mountain

5. (b. rain


sp_ _a pi_nic


五、 选择填空。(20分)

) mother’s birthday is __oct.

) 2. can the ducks

a. fly b. flies c. flying

) there __e-card on the computer?

a .ab. anc. /

)4is your f**ourite day? sunday.

a .what b. which c. when

) of the week is wednesday.

b. third c. fourth

)6. he’s __trees over there.

a. playing

)7. can i take___pictures?

a. some b. any c. a

) 8your friends playing football?

a. is b. are c. am

) like winter___i can skate?

)10. i can swim __the sea.

六、 情景对话,选择正确的答语,把其编号写到左边的括号里。(10分)

( )1. is there a

) 2. what is your mother doing ? is cooking dinner.

( )3. what’s you f**ourite fruit? c. i’d like some beans.

( )4. what would you like? d. no, there isn’t.

( )5. how many kites do you h**e ? e. grapes

七、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分), in , is , mom , cooking , the kitchen (.

2. i , watch , listen , and , tv , usually , music , to (.

3. is , coat , how much , this (?they , what , doing(?)sweep ,can ,floor, the(?)


a: i like summer __

ba: because it’s can___in the seaabout you?

b: winter.__i can make a snowman

九、 根据所给的中文情景提示,选出正确的答案。(10分)


a. i’m chenjie. you chenjie? is chenjie.


a. thank you. b. i’m sorry. c. you’re welcome.

) 3. 你想知道对方什么时候去远足,你应问:

do you go hiking? b. what are you go hiking?

c. what time are you go hiking?

) 4.你问对方见到熊猫吗,该问:

a. what do you see? you see any pandas?

b. i can see some pandas.

) 5.你想跟mike通**可以说:

a. can i speak to mike? a call for mike.

c. mike is speaking.

六年级语文复习试卷 一

一。读文,看拼音写词,再填空。4分 地球总是q ng 其所有,把它的一切都给了我们,可是人类,曾经和正在做着多少惭愧的事情 无休止地砍伐森林,把动物拎上饕餮的肉案,无节zh 地侵占植物们的领地,还有还有还有 二 用 简 宇组成四个不同的词写在相应的括号里。4分 是多么劳苦,多么。这道应用题很他很快就...


复习试卷一 字 词 一读拼音,写词语。8分 o y uq n shch u y ch ng j ng y n ysu n b n j ng xi n ch chu ng 二 多音字组词。3分 j ny nb 劲饮泊。j ngy np 三 读句子,按要求完成练习 10分 真理诞生于一百个问号之后。1 ...


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