
发布 2020-05-24 04:32:28 阅读 5848

一、 选出不同类的词。(10分)

)1. a. boy b. girl c. first

)2. a . sunny b. rainy c. teacher

)3. a. get b. november c. october

)4. a . nose b. head

)5. a pencil b. marker c. eye

)6. a. ninth b. fifth c. ten

)7. a. canada b. china c. english

)8. a. play b. hello c. hi

)9. a . apples

)10. a jump b. run c. eye


)1. 想知道对方来自**,我们要说:

a:where do you liveb: where do you come from?

)2. 想知道对方的年龄,你应该说:

a: how old are youb: how are you?

)3. 你应该怎样问别人的名字?

a: how are youb: what’s your name?

)4. 你应该怎样向别人介绍自己?

a: my name’sb: good bye, amy.

)5. 询问对方职业说:

a: where do you work? b: what do you do?

)6. 你应该怎样描述你的课桌?

a: it’s a red capb: it’s a red desk.

)7. 一个女孩对你说“hello, i’m amy”你应该说:

a: thank youb: hello, amy.

)8. 询问对方父亲在**工作时说:

a: what does your father do? b: where does your father work?

)9. 别人问你“what’s your name?”你应该说:

a: thank youb: i’m sam.

)10. 教师节那天,你和老师应说?

a: what’s your name ? teather’s day !


1、 橡皮the high jump

2、 剪刀blackbord

3、 铅笔盒pencil case

4、 黑板december

5、 书包backpack

6、 胶棒foggy

7、 天气weather

8、 多雾的glue

9、 十二月scissors

10、 跳高eraser

四、 选择填空。(15分)

)1. where your father work?

a. do b. does c. are

)2. she __care of my pet dog.

a. take b. takes

)3. thank youyour help.

a. for b. of c. to

)4your father a bus driver?

a. are b. do c. is

)5your name ?

a. what’s b. what’s c. what

)6. can we for our teachers?

a. what, does b. where, do c. what, do

)7. let’s some cards for them.

a. make b. ****** c. makes

)8. knows the tenth month in english?

a. who b. what c. where

)9. i’m mike. i from canada.

a. came b. coming c. come

)10. is teachers’ day?

a. where b. when c. what

)11. –what’s the weather today?—it’s rainy.

a. like b. to c. of

)12. do you get snow in beijing?

a. a lot of b. many c. a lot

)13. winter in november here.

a. begin b. begins c. beginning

)14. i can my new raincoat.

a. put on b. puts on c. putting on

)15. -when is your birthday? –it’s december 30th.

a. on b. in c. at


a组b组。a. i’m 101. nice to meet you.

b. nice to meet you too2. let’s go to school.

c. ok3. may i h**e a look ?

d. sure. here you are4. how old are you?

e. see you5. what’s your name?

f. my name is lucy6. how are you?

g. fine, thank you7. good-bye!

h. happy new year8. thank you!

i. you’re welcome9. happy new year!

j. thank you10. happy birthday!


joy is good at computers. he wants to be a computer programmer. he likes to work in an office.

it will be an interesting job. lily wants to be a hairdresser. she wants to work in a beauty shop.

it will be very exciting to make people more beautiful. andy is good at singing. he wants to be a singer.

he wants to work in a theatre. bill wants to be a dentist. then he can help people feel better.

jane likes collecting pencils. i h**e thirty pencils.




billcomputer programmer

janecollect pencils


2014 2015学年度第一学期期末质量检测三年级英语试题学校班级姓名 一 判断下列字母的小写是否相符,正确的写 不正确的打 1.g g 2.b d 3.c s 4.d b 5.e e 6.f l 7.h f 8.k c 9.i a v y k 二 将下列图的代号填入相应的单词括号内。1.cat 2...


一。请将正确的图与英文单词连线。10分 crayonearerasereye nose 二。选译与汉语意思相对应的单词,并将其序号填在括号内。10分 helloa再见 thisb 你的。namec很好。fined什么。thanke我的。yourf谢谢。myg名字。howh怎样。goodbyei这。w...


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