
发布 2020-03-06 21:39:28 阅读 1227





5打开你的书 to the parrot

the eat here

yellow english book


) 1. a. blueb. ballc. black

) 2. a. pieb. standc. sit

) 3. a. comeb. listenc. me

) 4. a. talkb. bookc. shout

) 5. a. sleepb. skirtc. t-shirt


) 1. —look at the blackboard.

a. i’m sorryb. yes, mr green. c. it’s nice.

) 2. —what’s this?

a. it’s a parrot. b. it’s parrot. c. no, it’s a parrot.

) 3. —hello, class.

a. hello, mike. b. hello, miss li. c. hello, helen.

) 4. i’d like tosome milk.

a. eatb. drinkc. run

) 5. its too hot(热the window, please.

a. don’t open b. openc. talk

) 6. —don’t talk in the library !

a. i’m sorry. b. thank youc. ok.

) 7. —please close the window.

a. goodbye. b. yes , mr green c. i’m sorry

) 8. —may i come in?

a. sit down , please b. come in , please c. ok

) 9.— don’t listensam , bobby .

ok .ab. forc. to

) has two big

a. bookb. a bookc. books


) 1. 格林老师请你开门,他说:

a. open the door, pleaseb. close the door, please.

c. close the window, please.

) 2. 你做错了事,应该对别人说:

a. okb. thank you. c. i’m sorry.

) 3. 上课了,同学们起立后,老师对大家说:

a. stand upb. sit down. c. yes, please.

) 4. 外面刮风了,妈妈对你说:

a. please open the windowb. please open the door.

c. please close the window.

) 5.下午老师上课时,不可以说:

a. hello , class. b. good morning, class.

c. good afternoon, class.

) 6.你想问别人是否想要吃冰淇淋时,应该怎么说:

a. what about an cake? b. would you like an ice cream?

c. no, thank you.

) 7.上课时,老师请大家看黑板时,应该怎么说:

a. listen to the teacher, please.

b. don’t look at the blackboard.

c. look at the blackboard.

) 8.你告诉别人这不是你的书包时,你可以说:

a. this is my schoolbagb. this isn’t my schoolbag.

c. that isn’t my schoolbag.

五、选词填空 。(将序号填在横线上,每个词只用一次)(本大题共5小题,满分12分)

1. —i’mmr green.

in, mike.

2. wang bing , pleasethe window.

3down , please.

— thank you.

4. stand

5. —liu tao ,please open the door.

mr green.


( )colour is the windowa. sit down , please.

( )2. stand up , pleaseb. it’s a robot .

( )thisc. good morning .

( )morningd. ok, miss li .

( )open the booke. it’s yellow .


1. window, please , the , open( .

2. cake, don’t, my, eat( .

3. book, my, it’s, english( .

4. this, is, book, your (

5. you, like, sweet, you, would, a (


一 根据汉语,把单词补充完整。1.教师 t ch 2.奶奶 grdm th 3.长颈鹿 g r f 4.小船 b t 5.西瓜 wat m lon.二 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。反义词复数。反义词名词。三 给下列单词分类。动物 水果 家庭成员 四 连线。1.where s the booka.h...


一 请根据中文提示,写出下列建筑物的英文单词。1.学校。2.操场。3.图书馆。4.大楼。5.校长办公室。6.诊疗所。7.饭堂。8.厕所。9.大门。10.花坛。11.雕塑。12.游泳池。13.教师办公室。二 请根据中文提示,写出下列方位词的英文。1.在旁边。2.在后面。3.在之间。4.在附近。5.在对...


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