
发布 2020-05-24 04:45:28 阅读 9276



)1、i am from america.

a.我来自美国。 b.我离美国很远。c. 我是一名美国人。

)2、watch out!

a.看外面! b.小心! c.快出来!

) h**e a new friend today.

a.今天我们是好朋友。 b.我们今天是新朋友。c.今天我们有一个新朋友。


a. happy woman’s dayb. happy women’s day!

c. happy woman dayd. happy women day!


a. happy teacher dayb. happy teacher’s day!

c. happy teachers’ dayd. happy teacher’s day!


a. happy new yearb. happy new year!

c. happy new’s yeard. happy news’ year!


a.where are you from? b.where is he from?


a.we h**e a new friend today. b.we h**e an old friend today.


a.nice to meet you b.what’s your name?

) 10.跟我学。

a. follow me. b. go and follow me



a. good morning. b. good evening. c. good afternoon.


a. what country are you? b. where are you from? c. where are you come?


a. she is amy. b. this is amy. c. this amy.


i’m bai ling. b. hi, this is bai ling. c. am i bai ling.


a. how many books do you h**e? b. how many books can you see?


a. how many fish do you h**e? b. how many fish can you see?


at my new crayons. b. can you find my crayons?

) 8.、你想让别人猜你有多少铅笔时,你应该说:__

a . guess. how many pencils? b. how many pencils does she h**e?


a. how many pencils can you see ? b. how many pencils do you h**e ?

)10.当别人问how many cats can you see?时,你应回答

h**e twenty cats. can see twenty cats.

)11.当别人说i h**e a new kite.你应说

a. oh, it, s beautiful. b. oh, i, m sorry.

)12.当别人说let’ s fly a kite.你应说

a. okb. o h.


a. who’ s this boy? b. what’ s this man?


)1、__from america a. i b . i’m c. i m

) 2 welcometo school. a . book b. back c. black

)3 watcha. this b. that c. out

) 4 nicemeet you. a . too b./ c. to

)5 ia girl. a . am b. is c. are

)6is my friend , mike a. that b. this c it

)7.h**e __apple,please. a. a b. an

)8.i am __america. a. from b. to

)9.guess! boy __girl? a. and b. or

)10.we __a new friend today. a. h**e b. has

)11. good morning, _and girls. a. boys b. boy

)12.__back to school. a. welcomeb. welcome

)13.i’m amy. i’m a __a. girl b. boy

)14.how manya. ducks b. duck

)15.come and followa. me b. i

)16.happy women’s day! miss white. _

a. happy women’s day! b. thank you.

)17is that man? b:he is my grandfather.

a. what b. who


ab1. what’s your namea. it’s an apple

2. what’s thisb. my name is amy.

3. nice to meet you againc. fine, thank you.

4. how are youd. nice to meet you, too.

5. what do you likee. i like some coke.

6. where are you fromf. good morning, mr black.

7. good morning boys and girlsg. i’m from america

8. what colour is ith. it’s blue.

9. see youi. goodbye!

10. i’m sorryk. it’s ok



8. grandpa

14. four

20. thirteen dog动物。


2014 2015学年度第一学期期末质量检测三年级英语试题学校班级姓名 一 判断下列字母的小写是否相符,正确的写 不正确的打 1.g g 2.b d 3.c s 4.d b 5.e e 6.f l 7.h f 8.k c 9.i a v y k 二 将下列图的代号填入相应的单词括号内。1.cat 2...


一。请将正确的图与英文单词连线。10分 crayonearerasereye nose 二。选译与汉语意思相对应的单词,并将其序号填在括号内。10分 helloa再见 thisb 你的。namec很好。fined什么。thanke我的。yourf谢谢。myg名字。howh怎样。goodbyei这。w...


一 选出不同类的词。10分 1.a.boy b.girl c.first 2.a sunny b.rainy c.teacher 3.a.get b.november c.october 4.a nose b.head 5.a pencil b.marker c.eye 6.a.ninth b.fi...