
发布 2020-05-24 04:39:28 阅读 6032


) 1.当别人问你来自**后,应回答说a. you’re welcome.

b. i’m from america.. my name is li mei.

()2.当你把物品给别人时,应说: _a.

it’s here you here it is.()3.当你正在找玩具汽车时,应说:

_a. where is my taxi?b.

where is my car?c. this is my car.

()4.当看到别人要摔跤时,应说a. watch watch look at me.


1、--how many __can you see ? a new friend .her name is alice .aambh**echas

3、--who is that girlis my sister .aibhec she

4、--happy women’s day !miss whitea. happy women’s dayb thank youc good idea三、选出不同类别的单词,将其编号填在括号内。

()1、a、bananab、pearc、short() 2、a、pencilb、carc、ruler() 3、a、dogb、pigc、play() 4、a、girlb、teacherc、bus() 5、a、chineseb、englishc、class


tom and john are good friends. tom is twelve years old. john isthirteen years old.

they are good students. they like to white is their english likes them verymuch.

)1, tom and john are good friends.()2. tom is twelve years old.

()3. john is twelve years old.()likes to eat hamburgers.

)5. miss white thinks(认为)they are good students() doesn’t like to eat hamburgers.



) 1.当别人问你来自**后,应回答说a. you’re welcome.

b. i’m from america.. my name is li mei.

()2..当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时,应说a. what a big goose!

b. how beautiful!c.

what a big fish!()3.当你把物品给别人时,应说:

_chen .

a. it’s here you here it is.()4.当你正在找玩具汽车时,应说: _

a. where is my taxi?b.

where is my car?c. this is my car.

()5.当看到别人要摔跤时,应说a. watch watch look at me.


1is that woman---she is my english teacher ,miss


2、--how many __can you see ? a new friend .her name is alice .aambh**echas

4、--who is that girlis my sister .aibhec she

5are you from ?-i’m from america .awherebwhochow many

6、--happy women’s day !miss white

a. happy women’s dayb thank youc good idea八、选出不同类别的单词,将其编号填在括号内。(10分)()1、a、bananab、pearc、short() 2、a、pencilb、carc、ruler() 3、a、pencilb、bookc、school() 4、a、dogb、pigc、play() 5、a、redb、onec、green() 6、a、girlb、teacherc、bus() 7、a、classb、schoolc、pen() 8、a、chineseb、englishc、class() 9、a、motherb、fatherc、teacher() 10、a、twelveb、fivec、box


) 1. what’s that ?a.

i h**e thirteen pencils() 2. who’s that woman ?b.

that’s a pen.()3 . how are you ?

c. i’m from china.()4,.

how old are you ?d. how do you do ?

(5. where are you from?e.

she is a teacher .(6. how many monkeys can you see?

f. i’m fine.()7.

can i h**e some ice-cream ?g. she is my mother.

()8. how many pencils do you h**e ?h.

i’m eleven() your mother ?i. i can see twenty-two monkeys .

(do you do?j. sure.

)11. can i use your pen?k、yes, i do .

(12. do you like bananas?l、she’s my mother .

(13. who’s that woman?m、i can see 11.

)14. how many cats can you see?n、it’s under the chair.

()15. where is the ball?o、sure.


tom and john are good friends. tom is twelve years old. john isthirteen years old.

they are good students. they like to eat

white is their english likes them very much.()1, tom and john are good friends.()2.

tom is twelve years old.()3. john is twelve years old.

()likes to eat hamburgers.

)5. miss white thinks(认为)they are good students() doesn’t like to eat hamburgers.


年级姓名出题者 曾老师 一 找朋友 单词连线题 1 thank window hello how what what s mr ms you your am i 怎样你好窗户谢谢什么是先生什么你是女士我你的。2 door good good bye too desk bird chair black...


三年级基础知识检测 110分 一 看拼音写汉字。16分 二 照样子,加一部分偏旁组成新字再组词。14分 朱 珠 珠宝 勺取壮以召少扁。圭乙利高氐方丁。三 辨字组词。15分 推 究 诚 纪 评 适 准 穷 城 记 坪 括 娇 耍 堂 粗 者 拣 骄 要 常 阻 著 练 浸 侵 蓝 篮 鱼 渔 四 成语...


一 看拼音,写词语。o rli n pengd ng y ngb y c i ji n q ng t ngj l ngf ng f sh fs y nt o tush bzh u ji ng lu lb i f nx w iy y c n c nzh n l nl m ngj ng x n y r ...