
发布 2020-05-18 07:25:28 阅读 1839




) 1. (a) nice (b) rice (c) write

) 2. (a) parent (b) present (c) peasant

) 3. (a) own (b) low (c) show

) 4.(a) call (b) fall (c) ball

)5.(a) lesson (b) listen (c) little


)6. (a) i'm sorry to hear that. (b) i'm not surec) i'm very happy.

)7.(a) it is june 20thb) it is mondayc) it is sunday.

) 8. (a) yes, i like english. (b) i like maths best. (c) i like english better.

) 9. (a) that's rightb) not at allc) never mind.

) 10. (a) here you areb) here are you. (c) give you.


) 11. (a) it will be rainyb) it will be sunny.

) 12. (a) ten years agob) ever since last year.

) 13. (a) they h**e a part (b) they h**e a rest. y.

) 14. (a) in the school (b) in the factory

) 15. (a) a doctor (b) a teacher


) 16.(a) sunday (b)friday (c) saturday

) 17.(a) in a shop (b)in a hospital (c) in a school

) 18.(a) three (b)fourc) five

) 19.(a) mr green (b)mabel (c) mrs green

)20.(a) happy(b)angry(c) tired



) 21.(a) plane (b) cake (c) h**e (d) take

) 22.(a) coughed (b) needed (c) wanted (d) posted

) 23.(a) loudspeaker (b) shout (c) sound (d) trouble

) 24.(a) either (b) further (c) father (d) south

)25.(a) lie (b) tie (c) scientist (d) die


) 26. [i a)hear (b) wear (c) early (d) there

) 27.[ziz] (a)horses (b) glasses (c) buses (d) houses

) 28. [c:] a)want (b) water (c) watch (d) what

) 29. [tf[n] (a)station (b) invention (c) operation (d) question

)30. [k] (a)choose (b) chick (c) christmas (d) chalk



)31. please give my best wishes to your grandma.

i will.

a) sorry (b) not at all (c) thank you cd)i don't think

she has gone to the bookshop.

a) where has ann been (b) where was ann

c) where did ann god) where is ann

)33.— is the boy by the window your brother?

a) it maybe him (b) it may be him (c) it would be him (d) it need be him

) 34. —would you like to come here?

a) yes, i'd like to (b) yes, i'd love (c) yes, i'd love to (d) yes, i would

it's about ten minutes by bike.

a) how long is your home (b) how often is your home

c) how soon is your home (d) how far is your home

)36. —can i get you some food?

a) yes, i canb) no problem

c) no, thanks. i can help myself (d) yes, i'm afraid not


lily: hi, tom37)

tom: i've no idea, lily! what do you think?

lily: shall we go to the park?

tom: good idea! when shall me meet?


tom39) there's a zoo in it. we can go and h**e a look at the animals.

lily: great. let's make it half past one.

torn. ok40)

lily: outside the park gate.


( )41. h**e you read the book? the right sound for "read" is .

a) [ri:d] (b) [redc) [rcdd) [rid]

) 42. last term mary spent a lot of time me with my lessons.

a) help (b) helps (c) to help (d) helping

) 43. mr green is a teacher and teaches maths.

a) usb) ourc) we (d) ours

)44. he has two basketballs. one is new, is old.

a) other (b) others (c) the other (d) the others

) 45. mother wants to them an interesting story.

a) tell (b) talkc) say (d) speak

)46. i wonder .

a) where does he liveb) where he live

c) he lives whered) where he lives

)47. is the population of china?


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