
发布 2020-05-15 11:11:28 阅读 4651





happy(副词can not(缩写形式。

child(复数big (比较级。






)1、m y(很多) a、am b、om c、an d、eo

)2、po t(指向) a、an b、ai c、in d、un

)3、cor r (角落) a、om b、um c、ne d、em

)4、cam a(照相机) a、er b、ar c、ir d、or

)5、t p(顶,顶部) a、a b、u c、o d、e

)6、s d(寄出) a、en b、ur c、er d、ar

)7、b tom (底部) a、et b、oo c、at d、ot

)8、q ck(快速的) a、er b、ui c、ar d、ir

)9、e elope(信封) a、ov b、un c、nv d、vn

)10、g ft (礼物) a、i b、o c、u d、e


)1、 a、draw b、map c、drink d、sleep

)2、 a、tail b、nose c、arm d、kite

)3、 a、first b、sixth c、four d、third

)4、 a、loudly b、quietly c、slowly d、quick

)5、 a、sing b、going c、doing d、h**ing

四、 选择题。(30分)

)1、this is e-mail.

a、 a b、an c、 /

( )2is the stamp ? one yuan .

a、how much b、 how many c、 how old

)3、yesterday, i to school.

a、walkb、 walks c、 walked

)4、would you like some soup,jenny

a. yes,please! welcome.

)5、 is singing? jenny is singing.

a. who

( )6、everyone hungry and tired.

a、amb、 arec、 is

( )7、jenny wants to the park.

a、 gob、 to go c、goes

)8、these are many .

a、 baby b、 babys c、 babies

( )9、shea gift for her mother.

a、buy b、buys c、 to buy

)10、i can my friend a postcard!

a、 send b、 sending c、 sends

)11、does the hotel a computer ?

a、h**ing b、h**es c、 h**e

)12、the boys are laughing .

)13、look my postcard.

a. atb.

)14、what happened your tail ?

a、tob、withc、 on

)15、my mother istea.

a、drink b、drinking c、 drinks



a、help ! helpb、can you help me ?

c、come and help me !


a、is jenny flying a kite? b、 does jenny fly a kite ?

c、can jenny fly a kite ?


a、do you know the post office?

b、excuse me , where is the post office ?

c、is it the post office?


a、what time is it ? b、 what day is it ?

c、what is it


a、please go shopping with me. b、let’s go shopping!

c、would you like to go shopping?


) 1. what are you doinga. good morning!

) 2. what’s her nameb. yes,i can.

) 3. can you fly a kitec. fine, thank you.

) 4. goodbyed. i would like some fruit.

) 5. what happenede. i hurt my nose.

) 6. good morningf. her name is jenny.

) 7. how are youg. bye!

) 8. nice to meet youh. i am reading.

) would you likei. you’re welcome

) 10. thank youj. nice to meet you, too.


)1、where are you sending your letter? a.我经常步行去学校。

)2、what would you likeb.你在北京过得愉快吗?

)3、how did you go to schoolc.你往哪儿寄信?

)4、i often walk to schoold.你想要些什么?

)5、did you h**e fun in beijing? e.你如何去学校?


1、did what you do (?


金元村小学 杨丽。本次命题根据英语课程标准的要求,既考查了学生的基础知识,也兼顾了语言的综合运用能力 既考虑到部分差的学生,又顾及到学习能力强的学生。听力部分 听力测试旨在考查学生听音 辨音及听力理解和快速反应能力。学生有的不能领会录音内容中的关键信息点,有的学生在听的过程中注意力不够集中反应太慢,...


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