
发布 2020-05-06 17:06:28 阅读 3130



) 1 a chinese b teacher c apple

) 2 a duck b glasses c mother

) 3 a arm b bird c nurse

) 4 a book b soup c food

) 5 a bike b rice c big


1 hurry up2 jump far

3 sit down4 消防员。

5 匆忙。三、找出一个不同类的词,将题号写在题前括号中(5分)

)1 a bottle b box c milk

)2 a angry b coffee c happy

)3 a juice b rice c noodles

)4 a shoes b hot dog c sweater

)5 a line b lion c tiger


)1 he can’t __the ball well.

a catch b catches c caught

)2 the man can’t see. he is __

a deaf b blind c doctor

)3 — does daming h**e lunch at school?

a yes, he is. b no, he don’t c yes, he does

)4 jimmy’s mother __cakes in the room now.

a makes b is ****** c ******

)5 we go to school __7:30 __in the morning.

a at in b in at c at on

)6 his mother goes to work __

a by a bike b by her bike c by bike

yes, please. i want some fruit.

a how many do you want?

b can i h**e a look?

c can i help you?

)8 — whose chair is this?

it’s __

a mary b her c hers

)9 __did you go?

a what b who c where

)10 there __five bananas on the desk.

a is b are c be


a no,it’s mine. b one kilo ,please. c i’m tired.

d six,please. e at seven o’clock. f yes, can’t do it. g no, i sing badly. h no,i’m not

) how do you feel ?

) can i help you?

) are you bored?

( is this his t-shirt?

) how many eggs do you want?

) how much rice do you want?

) what time do you get up?

) can you sing?

六、用下面的疑问词填空 (12分)

how, how oldhow many,who, whatwhat colour

1were you last year?

---i was eleven.

2is your new skirt?

---it’s yellow.

3students are there in your class?

---there are forty-two.

4do you feel?

---not very well.

5is the little boy in the picture?

---it’s me.

6did you do at the weekend?

---i went to see my grandpa.

七、连词成句,注意标点符号 (10分)

1 last, sunday, back, we, came, .

2 visited, places, we, lots of, .

3 you, wash, did, t-shirt, lingling’s, ?

4 ten, pencils, there, in, the, box, blue, are, .

5 shouldn’t, in, the, you, road, walk, .




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