
发布 2020-04-03 07:59:28 阅读 5612

unit6 单元测试。











3、good __副词4、healthy___反义词。


7、eat _单三8、potato__单三。




4、健康的食物5、do you like chinese food

6、apples are healthy fruits7、 就早餐而言。

8、就午饭而言9、 你喜欢沙拉吗10、he doesn’t like pears


1、—do you like bananas? -no, i don’t like___it)

2、peter likes___play) basketball.

3、his mother___not) like french fries.

4、i like strawberry ice cream, but i don’t likestrawberry)

5、erich**e) french fries for lunch.

6、my sistereat) a hamburger for dinner.

7、how about __watch) tv?

8、sheh**e)ice cream for dessert.

9health)food is important.

10your motherwatch)tv every day?

11、chickenbe)very delicious.

12、my daughtergo)to school from monday to friday.

13、let’s __h**e) lunch.

14、he wants __play) basketball.

15、tom asks me __study) english.


)1does your father h**e __lunch? chicken and tomatoes.

a. what; for b. whatc. how; for d. how; /

)2、what __tom like __for breakfast?

a. does; eat b. is; eatc. does; to eat d. is; to eat

)3、-–does your english teacher sing veryyes, she does.

a. good b. nicec. greatd. well

)4、 –let’s __baseball. -ok. let’s __

a. play; go b. plays; go c. play; to go d. play; goes

)5、 —let’s h**e oranges

a.that’s sound good b.that sound good c.that’s sounds good d.that sounds good

)6、he hasegg andhamburger.

a.an, an b.a, a c.an, a d.a, an


a.to go to home b.to go home c.go to home d.go home

)8、we need lots ofevery day.

a.healthy food b.salads c.milks d.vegetable

)9、— do they like hamburgers? —yes, they likevery much.

a.itb.them c.their d.its

)10、aunt li likesbananas.

a.eat b.eating c.eatsd.eatting

)11、 —what do you h**e for breakfast?—_egg. a. a b. an c. any d. 不填。

)12、helen doesn’t eat apples or (或者) bananas. she doesn’t like __

a. vegetables b. sports c. fruitd. plants

)13、 they need __food this afternoon. a. many b. a lot c. lot d. lots of

)14、i like carrots, and i eat __for breakfast. a. it b. they c. them d. us

)15、—does peter like volleyballit is boring.

a. yes, he isb. no, he doesn’t c. yes, he does d. no, he isn’t


1、 she doesn’t h**e lunch. (变肯定句) she __lunch.

2、 my teacher plays basketball. (改一般疑问句)__your teacher __basketball?

3、 i like apples and bananas.( 改为否定句)i __like apples __bananas.

4、 they like broccoli. (改为一般疑问句they like broccoli?

5、 we h**e chicken for dinner.(对划线部分提问do you __for dinner?

6、 i don’t eat carrots for lunch.(用sandra 代替i)sandracarrots for lunch.

7、 tim likes pears.(改为否定句)timpears.

8、 i want to h**e dinner(改为同义句)ih**e dinner


people eat different things in 1 parts of the world. in 2 countries, people eat rice every day. sometimes they eat it two 3 three times a day 4 breakfast, lunch and supper.

they usually eat it 5 meat, fish and vegetables. some people do not eat 6 kinds of meat. muslims(穆斯林),for example, do not eat pork.

the japanese eat lots of 7 ,and they also eat a lot of rice. in western countries such as britain, australia and the usa, 8 important food is bread and potatoes. people there can cook potatoes in many different ways.

some people eat only fruit and vegetables. they do not meat or fish 9 anything that comes from animals. they only eat food from plants(植物).

some people say that food from plants is 10 for us than meat.


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