
发布 2020-03-28 23:05:28 阅读 4795


学生姓名: 所在班级:六年级班命题人:薛敬梅。

卷面分 10 分)

听力部分 (35分)

1.听音,选出你听到的单词。(5 分)

( )frenchb. chinese c. australia

( )thereb. thesec. there’s

( )b. shops c. hobbies

2.听音,选出与你所听单词属于同类的选项 (5分)

( )c. country ( thanksgiving b. moon cake ( french


( )day b. flag day.

) 2. a. no, i don’t. b. yes, of course.

) 3. a. yes, i can b. no, i h**en’t.

) 4. a. we eat moon they are famous men and women.

) 5. a. we carry flags and we sing songsb. we h**e a big family dinner.

) 6. h**e. b. yes,he has


) eat yuanxiao at dragon boat festival.

) always h**e a special meal on thanksgiving day, )3. i’ve got two friends from america.

) has got a chinese kite.

) can speak some english.


great wall has got about twenty thousand

email to his family in china.

3.__kites is sam’s hobby.

you tell me more about american

is my __in china.

6. to meet you.

can write emails in __

likesstamps and dolls.

笔试部分 (65分)




国家名复数9address(缩写 (现在分词11. beijing’s got (完全形式)三单)



bikes to school


7.说法语 to me

9. my address in china10.集邮。

3.按要求完成各题 (13分)


1. daming’s hobby isride) bicycles.

2. h**e you gotsome) dolls form america?

3. can i write toyou) friends?

4. simon likesswim) with his friends.

5. how big is shanghai ? it’s got about seventeen millionpeople).

6they) names are sam and amy.

7. i want tobe) your pen friend.

8. let’s___go) to chinatown now.


a. has got b.h**e got c.there are d.there is

1some beautiful mountains in china.

2a book and a pen on her desk .

lovely dog .

photos .

deskfour legs .


1 .i want __a map of china .

a. buy b. is buying c. to buy

2fantastic present!

a、how b、what a c、what an

3. daming isamerica.

a. visit b. visiting c. visits

4.__there lots of chinese people in america?

a. is

5is guangzhou ?

---it’s got seven million people.

a. how big long many

you brother want __stamps?

a. collecting collect c. collect

7you want to go inside?

a、does b、didc .do

do you dospring festival?

a. on

is sending some photos __his friends.

a. for

you got __games?

a. some american american america

can read emails and stories __french.

a. to b .with

12.__kites is my hobby.

a. flying

___a chinese kite.

a h**e got b .has got is

14---what’s your hobby?

---i like __dolls.

a. collecting

are famous men and __


2014 2015学年度上学期。一 请按要求写出相应的词语。第三人称单数。复数。动名词。动名词。反义词。二。请写出正确的中英文翻译。1.超过2.美国 国旗制定纪念日。5.集邮。三 请选出最恰当的答案。2 kitesismyhobby.5.thanksgivingwesay thankyou foro...


惠环辅导中心英语检测考试。一 听力部分 根据听到的月份单词写出缩写 10分 二 默写音标 共20分 短元音 7个 长元音 5个 清辅音 11个 三 选择题 一题2分,共20分 1.哪个单词划线部分发音不是 u a.food b.fruitc.cookd.true2.哪个单词划线部分发音与surf a...


2014年春季期六年级英语下册质量检测。班别 姓名。一 请在四线格里按字母表的顺序默写出26个大小写字母。13分 二 找出下列单词中划线部分读音与例词相同的一项。每小题1分共5分 1.pine a.little b.dive 2.older a.roseb.ton 3.happy a.passb.s...