
发布 2020-03-27 09:06:28 阅读 6895


四.情景问答,将正确的序号填入提前括号 10分。

1. 当你想去询问中山公园的路时,应该说。

can i get to zhong shan park? is zhong shan park? zhong shan park far?

2. 当你想让别人看交通灯时,应该说。

a. what’s your name? at the traffic lights. c. what do you do?

3. 你想告诉别人你经常步行去动物园时,应说。

often go to the zoo on foot. i go to the zoo by bike . c. i go to the zoo by bus

4. 当你告诉别人可以乘飞机去上海时,应说。

a. you must go to shanghai bu subway. can go to shanghai by train.

can go to shanghai by plane.

5. 你想知道john怎么去上学时,你应该说

a. how do you go home? b. how do you go to school ? do you get to school?

五.判断正误,正确打错误 5分。

1. go straight.

2. wait at yellow light.

3. you can go by bus.

4. in england an australia ,drivers drive on the right side.

5. bus music 中的字母u在两个单词中的发音相同。

六.用所给的词填空 5分。

where how what when who

1. _are you going to beijing? next week.

2. _do you get to the cinema? by bike

3. _are you going this afternoon? the bookstore.

4. _is your english teacher? miss liu.

5. _are you going to do? i’m going to play the piano.

七.连词成句 15分。

1. going what you are do to this afternoon ?

2. museum can i how get to the?

3. cinema a there near is here?

4. is where the science museum?

5. far from is here is?

八.把相应的单词写在横线上 5分。

for off near by on

1. you can go there___bus .

2. walk east___ten mimutes.

3. get __at the cinema.

4. there is a science museum __our school.

5. the bookstore is __the left side of the road.

九.阅读 15分。

一) 阅读,选择填空 5分。

my name is john . i’m 12 years old. usually i go to school by bus.

sometimes i go by bike,because my home is very far. i h**e a good friend. he is mike.

he is 12,too. his home is near our school ,so he always goes to school on foot. we usually play together.

we are in same class. i like him. he is my best classmate.

1. mike always go to school __bus b. on foot c. walk to

2. john sometimes goes to school by___a. bus b. bike c. ship

3. how old are they?__a.11 b.12 c. 13

4. is mike’s home far from the school?__a. yes,it is. b. yes, there is. not

5. they are in the __class. a . a b. different

二) 阅读回答问题(之一首字母和标点) 10分。

hi! i am john. tomorrow is saturday .

i’m going to a bookstore. i want to buy a chinese dictionary . the bookstoren is next to a park , it’s far from here.

i’m going to there by bus .the bookstore is a white building ,it’s very beautiful. after buying the dictiongary , i’m going to the park .

i like the park . i will h**e fun there.

1. what day is it today?

2. where does john go ?

3. is the bookstore far from here?

4. what does john want to buy?

5. what colour is the bookstore?


1) 根据图表内容,选择正确的答案 10分。

1. who goes to the hospital by taxi? a. john c. mike and john

2. sam and amy go to the park by___b. taxi c. bike

3. how does mike go to the cinema? a. by bus b. on foot. c. by taxi

4. where do sam and amy go? b park c. market.

5. john is ill . he is going to the___a. hospital b. park

2) 小练笔 5分。


六年级上册科学试题 二

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六年级语文上册试题 二

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一 填一填 每空1分,共25分 4的倒数是 5 9和 乘积等于 是 的 的 3是15 100千克增加20 后是 千克 吨减少25 是75吨 千克比100千克多30 3 一件衣服以原价的八五折 可以把 看做单位 1 现价比原价降低 425 12 12 填小数。5 小强5天看书125页,小强看书页数和天...