
发布 2020-03-26 20:18:28 阅读 5275

第十讲周末与假日(weekends and holidays)



watched tv看电视 washed the clothes洗衣服 cleaned the room打扫房间。

played football踢足球 visited grandparents看望祖父母 learned chinese学汉语。

climbed a mountain爬山 rowed a boat划船 did homework做作业 read a book读书。

went to the park去公园 went fishing去钓鱼 went hiking去郊游 went skiing去滑雪。

went ice-skating去滑冰 ate good food吃美食 saw elephants看大象

took pictures拍照 bought presents买礼物 sang and danced唱歌跳舞。


--what did you do last weekend? -i played football.


--did you read books? -yes, i did. /no, i didn’t.


-- where did you go on your holiday? -i went to xinjiang.


--how did you go there? -i went by train.



一般过去时,表示过去某一时间发生的事情或存在的状态。例如:i took pictures in the park last saturday.

(上周六我在公园里照相了。) my little brother was sad yesterday,but he is happy now. (我的小弟弟昨天很难过,但现在高兴了。

) 该时态中经常出现的有代表性的时间状语有yesterday, last night /week /year/…,in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/, three days ago等。

在一般过去时的时态中,不需要担心主语与谓语动词在数上的一致。因为主语无论是单数还是复数, 无论是哪个人称,谓语动词都没有数上的变化, 只是从一般时态变为过去时形式时谓语动词要有所变化。变化形式有规则和不规则两种情况。


1 在一般情况下在词尾加ed即可。如climb-climbed, wash-washed.

2 如果词尾是以e结尾,直接加d。如live-lived, dance-danced

3 以重读闭音节结尾且单个辅音字母结尾时,双写该辅音字母再加ed。如。stop-stopped

4如果词尾是以辅音字母加y结尾时,要变y为i再加ed。如study-studied, cry-cried.




i. find the different one. (找出不同类的一项)

)1 a danceb singc picture d watch

)2 a elephant b whale c foodd snake

)3 a ateb divec sangd read

)4 a trainb func airplane d helicopter

)5 a chineseb english c german d japan

ii. read and match.(根据问句找答语,并对应连线。)

1. what did mike do yesterdaya yes, i did .

2. where did you go on holidayb i’m going to see a film.

3. did you go to shanghai by planec i went to dalian.

4. how did you go thered he climbed the mountain.

5. what are you going to do tomorrow? e i went there by bus.

iii. read and write. (根据提示完成句子。)

1. 昨天下午,我去买礼物了。 iyesterday afternoon.

2. 上周六早上我在家洗衣服了。i __the __at home last

3. 你假期过得愉快吗?__you __a good time on your holiday?

4. 上星期,我们去划船了。we __a __last week.


i. read carefully and choose.(读单词,选出划线部分发音不同的一项。)(10分)

)1 a know b how c row d snow

)2 a when b who c what d where

)3 a took b look c book d moon

)4 a take b lake c make d want

)5 a where b here c prepare d hair

ii. read and choose. (将下列单词送入属于同一类的那朵云里。) 10分)

iii. read and choose.(选择填空。) 12分)

)1. -howyour vacation? -it was pretty good.

a. was b. were c. did d does

( )2. -wherethey go yesterday? -they went to the summer palace.

a. are b. do c. did d does

( )3. -where did you go on your vacation? -imy grandma.

a. visit b. visited c. visits d see

) 4. -did sheto the movies? -no, she went to the party.

a. goes b. go c. went d visit

) 5. betty stayed at home andfor the test last weekend.

a. study b. studyed c. studies d. studied

) 6your mother go fishing? -no, she didn’t. she went shopping.

a. does b. is c. do d. did

iv. 请用动词的适当形式填空。(10分)

1 iplay) football with my friends yesterday.

2 --what did you do on your holiday?

-i __eat) good food and __take)many pictures.

3 –did your father __buy) presents for you in beijing?--yes, he __do).

4 –how __you___go) to hong kong last year?--i went there by plane.

5—what was the weather like in jinan three days ago?--it __be) sunny and hot.

6 –where __be)you last night?--i __be) at home with my parents.

v. complete the sentences.(根据情境或具体要求完成句子。)(18分)

1 你在商店买了什么?

what __you __in the shop?

2 上个周末你去**了?

youlast weekend?

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