
发布 2020-03-25 19:48:28 阅读 9755


一、 选择填空。

1. look __the beautiful picture, please.

a in b on c at d of

2. do you h**e __ink?

a. any b. some d. a

3. how much is seven an twenty-six? it’s___

a. nineteen b. thirty-three

d. eleven

4. _is mr. white? he is fifty.

c. where d. how old

5. _is your mother? she’s a dancer.

a. where b. how c. what d. which

6. the two shirts look __same.

b. an c. \d. the

7are you anne? no, i’m not.

a. hello d. excuse me

8. your grandma is old . please __her.

a. look like in

c. look after d. look in

9. can you say it __english?

a. by c. at d. with

10.__is this your pen ? yes.

a. thank you b. you are welcome

c. here you are d. that’s ok

11. how much __do you h**e?

a. money b. book c. pens d. cats

12. _is mary? she is at school.

a. where c. when d. how

13. i can __two ice-cream.

a. eating b. eat c. eats d. eates

14. i’ve got __english book.

a. any b. many c. much d. some

15. is there __water inn the bowl?

a. any b. many c. much d. some

二、用a \an 填空。

1.this is __melon and that is __apple.

2 . i can send my friend __e—mail.

3. do you live in __house?

no. my family lives in __apartment.

4。you can see __old man in picture one.


1. my father is tall. my brother is __

2. this cat is __that cat is small.

red flower is strong. the blue flower is __

4. the building is high. the house is __

4. those cows are___these ducks are sick.


1is sam? he is in the swimming pool(游泳池)。

2is the doing? he is swimming.

3.__does he usually swim? he swims at 9:00 in the morning.

4.__does he go to the swimming pool? by bus.

5.——is your father ? he is a teacher.


1. is a bed this ?

2. are these red shoe .

3. would like what you ?

4. to nice you meet .

5. in the cabbage is the sink .

六. 阅读短文判断正误,对的写yes错的写no

bob come from england. he is eleven. he likes to play basketball.

his father mr brown works in a big shop in shijiazhuang. bob has a brother. his name is mike.

he is only four.

it is saturday. bob’s family is all at home. mr.

brown is sitting on a chair and reading a book. bob is cleaning his new bicycle. his brother is playing with his dog.

1. bob like to play soccer. (

2. bob has an old bike. (

3. mike is playing his cat. (

4. the family has four people.(

5. the family is all at home (


1. these are apples.

2. there are many peaches on the tree.

3. what are they? they’re oranges.

4. they are good children.

5. where are my shoes



1. h**e a sore throat2.感冒。

3. watch tv4.发烧。

5. buy presents6.学英语。

7. play the piano8.踢足球。

9. wash clothes10.吃好吃的。






完全形式10. know(同音词。


1. monkey , do , which , you , like

2. 4cm , you′re , than , me , taller

3. h**e , a , headache , do , you

4. li yun , where , on , her , did , go , holiday

5. danced , i , sang , and


sperm whale is than a killer whale.( long)

2. the rabbit′s tail isthan the monkey′s.( short)

3. what you do last weekend ? do)

4. i to a park yesterday. (go)

5. how big are yourfoot)


( )1. did you do on your holiday ?

a. where b. what c. when

2. i sang and danced my new friends.

a. wish b. in c. and

3. how your holiday ?

a. was b. is c. are

4. the 4th , i did my homework.

a. in b. at c. on

5. he jumped into the lake and to it .

a. swim b. swimming c. swam

6. where did you go ?

a. tomorrow b. today c. yesterday

7. i my room and watched tv .

a. clean b. cleaned c. cleaning

8. chen jie a stomachache.

a. h**e b. has c. had

9. tom looks than lucy.

a. happy b. happier c. happiest

10. the road is than that one.

a. wider b. widest c. wide


i h**e two friends. they are twins. their names are lucy and lily.

lucy always has a big smile on her face. she′s a happy girl. she has many friends.

they all like her very much. lily is always in a bad mood. she often looks sad, angry or board.

she has only a few friend.

) 1. lucy is always happy.

) 2. lucy has only a few friend.

) 3. lucy and lily are sisters.

) 4. lily always has a big smile on her face.

) 5. their friend all like them.


一单词归类 10%

engineer comicbook pink kangaroo nurse news*****

zebra brown accountant dictionary





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