
发布 2020-03-18 08:30:28 阅读 8845



) 1. a. f b. x

) 2. a. c b. v

) 3. a. uk b. hk

) 4. a. prc b. pla

) 5. a. usa b. tpr


) 1. a. b.

) 2. a. b.

) 3. a. b.

) 4. a. b.



) 1. how many pictures do the boys h**e?

a. 6 b. 8 c.10

) 2. what’s in your bag?

a. 20 story-books b. 20 chinese books c. 20 notebooks

) 3. what can tom see?

a. a fan and a light b. a fan and a computer c. a computer and a light

) 4. who will(将) clean the classroom?

a. zhang peng b. wu yifan c. chen jie

) 5. mike would like___

a. some chicken b. some milk c. some chicken and some milk。




) 1. a. driverb. farmerc. teacher

) 2. a. chicken b. ricec. beef

) 3. a. deskb. shelf c. sofa

) 4. a. math b. science c. music

) 5. a. doorb. window c. board


) what colour is it? a. they are in the door.

) what’s her name? b. she’s my aunt.

) let’s clean the classroom. c. it’s yellow.

) are they on the table? d. yes, please.

) what would you like for dinner? e. her name is sarah.

) what’s your mother? f. good idea!

) how many people are there in your family? g. three.

) who’s that woman? h. she is a teacher.

) where are the keys? i. yes, they are.

) can i help you? j. i’d like some fish.


) 1. -goodbye

a. let’s go b. see you tomorrow! c. i’m sorry.

) 2. -what would you like for dinner? -

a. i’d like some wow! great! c. i’d like some noodles.

) 3. -are the keys on the desk?

they are in the door.

a. yes, they no, they aren’t. c. no, it is.

) 4he is a doctor.

a. where is chen what is chen ming

c. who’s chen ming

) 5. -where are the children

a. they’re in the they are in the living-room.

c. they are in the kitchen.


welcome to my ! look! this is my room.

it’s nice. there is a desk, a and a small in it. there is a picture on the desk.

you can see my mother in the picture. she is a . she likes very much.


look at the picture! there is a woman in the car. she is my aunt.

she is my father’s sister. her husband(丈夫) is an english teacher. he is tall and strong.

my aunt and uncle h**e two sons and a daughter. jim and tom are twins(双胞胎). they are 12.

they like science. how old is ann? she is 9.

she likes music. they are happy together.

) 1. there are four people in my aunt’s family.

) 2. in the picture, my aunt is in the car.

) 3. my uncle is a chinese teacher.

) 4. ann is 12.

) 5. jim and tom are twins.


听力部分。一、 听字母,选择正确的选项。(5%)

1. f 2. v 3. uk 4. prc 5. tpr

1---5 abaab

二、 听单词,选择**。(10%)

1. boy 2. pencil 3. classroom 4. egg 5. thirty

1---5 bbaba

三、 听短语或句子,按听到的顺序为**标上2至6的序号。(10%)

1. in the study 2. on the bed

3. my family 4. they like chinese food.

5. clean the board 6. we are good friends.


2012 2013学年度第一学期期末考试试卷分析。本试卷内容紧紧围绕课本和练习册,所有的 都出自课本和练习册,只要掌握好基础知识,就能考出好的成绩。现根据本次考试的答卷情况,对每一题进行具体分析。listenandjudge.本题为听力,所出内容为课本内容,本题得分率不理想,约占65 出错的较多,而...


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