
发布 2020-03-18 05:10:28 阅读 4388

一.write words. (根据汉语或**,完成单词)

红色黄色 ye__ ow 白色 __ite

绿色 gr__ n蓝色 __e

s__ irdre

二.look and match. (连线)

shirt shorts socks sweater pants

三.read and choose(选出与其它不同类的一个单词)

)1. a. jacket b. new c. shirt

)2. a. pants b. old c. shoes

)3. a. shirt b. colour c. t-shirt

)4. a. sweater b. coat c. small

)5. a. socks b. shorts c. brown

)6. a. jeans b. this c. that

四.read and choose选出划线部分读音不同的单词。

)1. a. bike b. rice c. milk

)2. a. pig b. fish c. kite

)3. a. five b. big c. like

)4. a. ice-cream b. six c. nine

五.read and choose(选择)

)1.is this your t-shirt? _it is.

b. no

)2.is that your t-shirt? no, it __

a. is b. isn’t

)3.my coat __old.

a. is b. are

)4.my shoes __new.

a. is b. are

)5.whose is this? it’s __

a. kelly b. kelly’s

六. read and write sentences(连词成句) 1. this your shirt ? is

2. that your sweater ? is

3. is my jacket yellow

4. colour it what is ?

5. it’s , no not

七.read and tick or cross. 判断下列每组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同打√不同打×(5分)

)1. music umbrella2. student bus

)3. box fox4. nose home

)5. nice big

八.read and match将上边**前的序号填在下面单词前的括号内 10分。

a. b. c. d. e.

九.read and match. 将右栏答语前的序号填在左栏前。


) much is ita. it’s one yuan.

much are theyb. it’s red.

) colour is itc. size 5.

) sized. it’s hot today.

) the weather like today? e. they are three yuan.

十、think and rearrange the sentence. 连词组句 (15分)

1. is it ? much how

2. they are ? much how

3. i help ? you can

4. yuan sixis it

5. very pretty . it is

十一、read and choose. 选择填空 (10分)

) 1. can __help you?

a. i b. my c. me

) 2they all right?

a. is b. are c. am

) 3. how much __that colourful dress?

a. is b. are c. am

) 4. how much __the yellow shoes?

a. is b. are c. am

) 5. are they nice? yes

a. it is b. they are c. i am

十二、read, tick or cross 读下列两段对话判断对错(10分)

一)a: amy, look at that dress. it’s colourful.

b: yes, it is. how much is it?

a: it’s twenty-five yuan.

b: oh, it’s very cheap. i’ll take it.

)1. the dress is colourful.

)2. the dress is very expensive.

)3. the dress is twenty-five yuan.

二)a: do you like this white t-shirt?

b: no. it’s very big. a: how about this yellow t-shirt?

b: oh, it’s very pretty, but it’s too short.

)4. the white t-shirt is very small.

)5. the yellow t-shirt is too short.

十一、fill in the blanks根据汉语完成句子。(5分)

1、我想要两个香蕉。 i want

2、我还想要十个梨。 i also want

3、那个西瓜很便宜。 thatis very cheap.

十三、read and write根据**答题。(10分)

¥ seven

how much are they?

2. ¥eleven

how much is it?

3. ¥fifty

how much are they?

4. ¥ninety

how much is it?


人教版部分参 1 古诗词三首。我会写庭庭亭蓝篮兰 我会选 1.d a c 2.a 我会填 1.潭面无风镜未磨遥望洞庭山水翠湖光秋月潭面君山洞庭湖君山宁静,柔美 2.日出江花红胜火春来江水绿如蓝 画面略 3.眼前看到的诗人的感受读一读相同之处 形式相同 都是回忆性的诗词。不同之处 描写的季节不同 描写...


部分参 1 古诗词三首。我会写庭庭亭蓝篮兰 我会选 1.d a c 2.a 我会填 1.潭面无风镜未磨遥望洞庭山水翠湖光秋月潭面君山洞庭湖君山宁静,柔美 2.日出江花红胜火春来江水绿如蓝 画面略 3.眼前看到的诗人的感受读一读相同之处 形式相同 都是回忆性的诗词。不同之处 描写的季节不同 描写的景点...


人教版部分参 1 古诗词三首。我会写庭庭亭蓝篮兰。我会选 1.d a c 2.a 我会填 1.潭面无风镜未磨遥望洞庭山水翠湖光秋月潭面君山洞庭湖君山宁静,柔美 2.日出江花红胜火春来江水绿如蓝 画面略 3.眼前看到的诗人的感受读一读相同之处 形式相同 都是回忆性的诗词。不同之处 描写的季节不同 描写...