
发布 2020-03-17 22:34:28 阅读 4551


一)以下为unit 1---unit 6 的单词、短语和句子,要求能认读,能知道意思。

unit 1

单词:window door picture board light classroom computer

fan wall floor teacher’s desk

短语:open the door. turn on the light. sweep the floor.

打开门。 打开灯。 扫地。

clean the window. put up the picture. clean the board.

清洁(擦)窗户。 挂图画。 擦黑板。

句子:we h**e a new classroom / we h**e 6 new lights.

我们有一个新教室。 /我们有六盏新灯。

really? let’s go and h**e a look.

真的? 让我们去看一看。

what’s in the classroom? a board, two lights, many desks and chairs.

教室里有什么? 一个写字板, 两盏灯, 许多桌子和椅子。

this is zhang peng, our new classmate. this is my new desk.

这是我们的新同学张鹏。 这是我的新课桌。

where’s my seat? it’s near the door. where’s = where (is):

我的座位在哪? 它在门旁边。 **(询问位置)用方位词回答。

let’s clean the classroom. /let’s clean the desks and chairs.

让我们打扫教室吧。 /让我们擦桌椅吧。

good idea. all right. it’s nice and clean . good job.

好主意。 好的。 它又好又干净。 干得好。

let me clean the window. /let me clean the board. look at the picture. it’s nice .

让我来擦窗户让我来擦黑板。看这幅图画。 它很好。

unit 2

单词:chinese book (an) english book notebook math book story-book

schoolbag twenty-one thirty forty fifty eleven twelve thirteen

fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty


短语: put your english book on your desk. (注意划线介词)


put your notebook under your bag. put your pencil-case on your chair.

把你的笔记本放在你的书包下。 把你的铅笔盒放在你的椅子上。

put your pencil in your desk. put your eraser near your pencil-case.

把你的铅笔放在你的抽屉里。 把你的橡皮放在你的铅笔盒边上。

句子:how many books do you h**e? i h**e 6. /i h**e six.

你有几本书? 我有六本。(可以写英文,也可写阿拉伯数字)

how many english books can you see? i can see 6. /i can see six.


sorry, too many. what colour is it? it’s black and white.

对不起,太多了。 它是什么颜色的? 它是黑白相间的。

i h**e a new schoolbag. /i h**e many books.

我有一个新书包。 /我有许多书。

may i h**e a look? sure, here you are.

我可以看一看吗? 当然,给你。

my schoolbag is he**y. what’s in it?

我的书包很重。 它里面有什么?

unit 3

单词:long hair short hair thin strong quiet friends music

science sports computer game painting

短语: listen to music. do sports. paint. make friends. play computer games.

听**。 做运动。 画画。 交朋友。 玩电脑游戏。

句子:my friend is quiet.


he is tall and strong.


she is short and thin.


i h**e a new friend. boy or girl? a boya chinese friend.

我有一个新朋友。 男孩还是女孩? 一个男孩。 一个中国朋友。

he has short black hair and big eyes.


this is his photo.


注:is可形容人的整体外貌;h**e我(你)有, has他(她、它)有,可形容人的局部外貌。)

who’s he/she/this man? he/she’s zhang peng/my friend,amy/my father.

他/她/这个男人是谁? 他/她是张朋/我朋友,艾米/ 我爸爸。

what’s his/ her name? his/ her name is zhang peng/amy.

他的/她的名字是什么? 他的/她的名字是张朋/艾米。

my friend/she/he likes music/sports.


unit 4

单词:study kitchen bathroom bedroom living room phone

bed sofa shelf fridge table

短语:go to the living room. watch tv.

去卧室。 看电视。

go to the study. read a book. sit on the sofa

去书房。 读书。 坐在沙发上。

go to the kitchen. g**e a snack. make the bed

去厨房。 吃点心。 铺床。

go to the bathroom. take a shower. watch tv

去卫生间。 洗澡。 看电视。

go to the bedroom. h**e a sleep. answer the phone

去卧室。 睡觉。 打**。

open the fridge set the table


句子: this is my home. you can see a bedroom, a living room, a study, a kitchen and a bathroom.

这是我家。 你可以看见一间卧室,一间起居室,一间书房,一间厨房和一间卫生间。

your bedroom为物用it答。)

is this your bedroom? yes, it is . no, it isn’t .

这是你的卧室吗? 是的,它是。/不,它不是。(is问is答)

is she in the living room/study? yes, she is. /no, she isn’t.

她在起居室里吗? 是的。她是。不,她不是。(is she问she is答)

is he in the bedroom? yes, he is./no, he isn’t.

他在卧室里吗? 是的,他是。/不,他不是。(is he问he is答)

she’s here. she’s in the kitchen.

她在这。 她在厨房里。

where are the keys? they are in the door.

钥匙在**? 它们在门里。(keys复数用are,回答用they他们)

are they on the table/ near the phone? yes, they are. no, they aren’t.


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