二年级英语家庭作业 重点句子

发布 2020-03-16 09:03:28 阅读 6770

do you want? 你想要点什么? i want a hot dog,please.请给我一个热狗。

much is it? it’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.多少钱?十三美元二十五美分。

are you going to study?你们将要学什么?

do you want to eat? i want a hamburger,please.你想吃点什么?请给我一个汉堡。

going to h**e a picnic in the park.我们将要去公园野餐。

are we going to eat,mum? at half past twelve.我们将要什么时候吃饭,妈妈?十二点半。

time to say goodbye now.现在该说再见了。

are we going to do now? we’re going to walk around the lake.


ducks are eating our picnic.看!这些鸭子在吃我们的野餐。

going to rain soon.看!天要下雨了。

going to snow in harbin.哈尔滨将会下雪。

this photo,the sun is shining.这张**阳光明媚。

birds are singing in the trees.鸟儿在树上唱歌。

can write in english and we can always be friends.





二年级英语家庭作业 重点句子辅导

i miss everyone in china.我想念中国的每一个人。i am looking out of the window.我正在向窗外看。now the train is coming to the station.现在火车正进入火车站。i m daming birthday card....

二年级英语家庭作业 英语小故事

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