
发布 2020-03-11 14:54:28 阅读 6938

,you often play computer games all day and hardly exercise so you are too he**y. and you always feel tired. to improve your health, first you should play more sports, like basketball and pingpong .

exercising every day will be good for you. you will become thin and healthy. second, you should sleep about eight hours at night.

then you’ll h**e enough energy to study. third, you should eat less foodif you do like this, i think you’ll be better soon


影响建议。1. 长时间玩电脑游戏,容易疲劳,对眼睛有害。

2. 有些学生对学习不感兴趣,无法取的好成绩。

3. 父母和老师会生气 1. 多锻炼,对身体有益。

2. 多读书报,有帮助于培养兴趣。

3. 和朋友们一起看电影,听**。

参考词汇:要求:be bad for 对。。。有害: develop your interests 培养兴趣。

if you play computer games for long time, you will get tired easily, and it’s bad for your eyes. some students are even not interested in study so that they can’t get good grades. as a result, their parents and teachers are angry with them.

so i will give you some suggestions. first, try to do more sports and it’s good for your health. second, why not read more books and news*****s?

it can develop your interests. third, it’s a good idea to see films or listen to music with your friends.

提示:(1) what do you like to do ?

2) what do you often do to give help

3) how do you feel about the things?

要求:1) 文稿包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。

2) 文稿中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。

3) 词数:不少于80个。

i am a student from no.3 middle school, my name is li mmng

giving is receiving

i am a student from no.1 middle school. m y name is li ming.

i like helping others because it makes me very happy. i often help my classmates with their schoolwork. sometimes i help clean up the city parks.

i go to an old people’s home and do some cleaning for then once a month. so i’m very popular there. i often visit the children’s hospital to cheer the sick kids up.

i read stories to them. i also give money to charities to help people in trouble. i think giving is receiving.

helping others is helping ourselves . do you agree with me?

some people think students needn’t do any chores. they think it’s their job to study well. but i don’t think so.

it’s good for students to do chores. there are three reasons. first , doing chores can develop our independence.

we can’t depend on others all the time . second, doing chores can teach us how to look after ourselves. it can also keep us healthy and strong .

finally, doing chores can share our parents’ work. it can also help us to understand the idea of fairness.

so i think its good for students to do chores. the earlier we learn to be independent, the better it is for our future, ]

提示; you often do chores?

chores do you often do?

do you think about doing chores?

good afternoon, everyone. now let me say something about myself. i usually do chores at home.

i often sweep the floor, take out the rubbish, do some cleaning , clean the room and so on. on weekends, i often help my mother with the cooking.

i think we should do some chores. most parents are busy and tired. we should help them.

and we can also learn a lot from doing chores, too. thank you.

why not do sth ? why don’t you do sth?

let’s do sthyou should / could / must do sth.

what /how about doing sth? don’t do sth.

try (not) to do sth

dear wen li,

thank you for your letter .you said you didn’t how to improve your english. well, you can do many things to improve your english.

you should follow the ways below, and maybe they will help you.(提出对方所请教的问题)

should remember as much as you can.

must try to be more active in class.

about watching english movies?

4 why don’t you talk with a speaker of english?

5. don’t be afraid to be laughed at. try to speak english more.(解决问题即建议)

nothing is impossible to a willing mind. if you work hard ,you will find a good way to improve your english.(给对方鼓励)








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