八年级下册英语作文 中国梦

发布 2021-08-05 10:21:28 阅读 6367


everyone has a dream, there is to be a soldier to defend the country, there is a picture of the world famous painting spread out with my heart, there is a great calligrapher, there is to be a doctor, but my dream and they are different, i want to do a top chinese archaeologists, you want to know why i want to be an archaeologist? then you will understand.



that's because i saw one south korean children on television, has become the world's top archaeologist, i was shocked, i'm tempted; i h**e read the story of li bai, when he was a kid he is not love learning, often play truant, on one occasion, he was playing truant in the street play, suddenly saw a grandmother in grinding a thick stick stick, li bai curious came to ask: "granny, what are you doing?" the old grandma head also does not carry the said:

"i was grinding, as long as the effort of a deep, you also can be ground into a needle." after listening to li bai, feel very ashamed, since then no longer played truant, heart secretly swear, must study hard, make a useful person to society, he finally became a famous poet, to achieve their dreams.


i want to become the archaeologists as the goal, to study hard, the accumulation of knowledge, when i was tired and wanted to rest, remember that sentence old grandmother said to li bai.


this is my young dream, chinese dream.


我的梦,中国梦八年级作文。梦想,每个人都有。梦想,是前进的不竭动力 题记。五千年的斗转星移,五千年的潮起潮落,五千年的沧桑变化,她经历了千年风霜,孕育无数的英雄儿女,书写了好汉的人类文明,她便是我们的伟大母亲 中国。近年来,神九 上天,蛟龙下海,举世瞩目,一片欢腾 然而我们的边疆却屡屡告警。日本,越...




梦想,是什么?梦想是石,敲出星星之火 梦想是火,点燃希望的灯 梦想是灯,照亮夜行的路 梦想是路,指引我们走向成功。梦想!一个人怎能没有梦想?没要梦想,便没有奋斗的目标 没有梦想,生活便平淡如水,毫无生机。梦想,一个所有人都熟知的词语,可是,又能有多少人拥有梦想,并朝着自已的梦想而努力呢?我说着中国话...