
发布 2020-03-09 05:24:28 阅读 6216


二、找出不同类的单词。(10分)( 1. a.

boy b. teacher c. girl( )2.

a. usa b. china c.

shandong( )3. a. student b.

father c. mother( )4. a.

apple b. banana c. milk( )5.

a. tall b. she c.


) 6. a. monkey b. giraffe c. pen

) 7. a. family b. grandpa c. grandma( )8. a. he b. is c. she

) 9. a. eleven b. it c. twelve( )10. a. orange b. white c. dog

三、从b栏中找出a栏的正确答句。(14分)a b

) 1. nice to meet you again. a. he’s mybrother.

) 2. how many cars can you see? b. goodmorning.

) 3. who’s that boy? c. nice to meet you,too.

) 4. where are you from? d. i can see 10.

) 5. good morning. e.

it’s in your desk.( 6. can i h**e some bananas?

f. i’m fromchina.

) 7. where is my book? g. here you are.四、根据情景选句子,将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号内。(10分)

) 1.你想问别人来自**,应该说。

a. where are you from? b. i’m from china.( 2.当你把东西递给别人的时候,应该说。

a. ok. b. here you are.

) 3.当你想问别人有多少支铅笔时,应该说。

a. how many pencils do you h**e?b. how many books do you h**e?

) 4.当你向大家介绍一位新朋友amy时,你应该说。

a. hello, amy. b. this is my new friend, amy.( 5.当你想知道那位男孩是谁,应该说。

a. who’s that boy? b. who’s that girl?五、中英文搭配。(10分)

) 1. i don’t like oranges. a.

我的书包在哪?( 2. where is my bag?

b.你有多少支蜡笔?( 3.

it has a long nose. c.我不喜欢橙子。

( 4. how many crayons do you h**e? d.


鼻子。 ) 5. h**e a good time! e.玩开心点!小学三年级英语下册考试试题二笔试部分(60分)


)1. a. chair b.

ruler c. blackboard d. desk( )2.

a. friend b. brother c.

sister d. mother( )3. a.

cow b. hot dog c. duck d.


)4. a. dinner b.

lunch c. breakfast d. pear( )5.

a. drink b. eat c.

boy d. run( )6. a.

behind b. big c. in d.

under( )7. a. man b.

woman c. girl d. uncle( )8.

a. red b. orange c.

blue d. apple( )9. a.

eleven b. morning c. afternoon

)10. a. what b. where c. there d. how二、选择填空。(10分)

)1、--look at my toy cara. it’s a car lovely!

)2. -what __this? -it’s a

)3.--what time is it ,pleasefour o’clock

) time __english class a. at

)5.--how old are you ? i’m __tao

)6.--wake up , sorry( )7.--happy birthdaya. thank you b. make a wish

)8.--it’s eleven o’ time for___

)9. -what are these? -they’re __

)10that man? -he’s who’s b. what’s


)1.如果晚上你去mike家,你应该说: b. good evening.

)2.如果你想问新同学的年龄时,你可以说: old are you ? are you?

)3.当你想向对方介绍自己时,你可以说:a. hi,i’m liu tao. b. this is liu tao.

)4.当你将一件东西交给对方时,你可以说: at me. b. this is for you.


)6.当你想知道现在几点钟时,你可以问: it ? time is it?

)7.早晨上学的路上,有人问你几点了,你可以回答: seven o’clock twelve o’clock( )8.上学要迟到时,妈妈会提醒你: up . up.

)9.有客人到你家做客,你对他们说: my home . b. you’re right.

)10.做游戏时,想告诉tom出局了,可以对他说:a. tom, you’re right. you’re out.四、选出左侧句子合适的答句。(10分)i ii

)1. look!a bird!

a. it's on the chair.( 2.

where's my lunchbox? b. thank you.

( 3. how old are you ,tim? c.

it's seveno’clock.

)4. who’s she? d. i'm two.

)5. what time is it? e. how beautiful!( 6. don't talk here. f. my cousin.

)7. this book is for you. g.

i’m sorry.( 8、nice to meet you . h.

nice to meet you,too.

)9、open the door, please? i. no,it isn’t.

( 10、is this your book? j. yes, mr green .


1. is pencil this your2. cap a what nice3. this you is for bobby(.)

4. please time is what it

5. is o’clock two it


to my grandpa’s farm. i’m ten. let’s visit(参观) the farm together(一起).

look, these are apple trees and orange trees. can yousee the apples and oranges? they’re red and all look great.

those are pigs and cows. can yousee the chickens and ducks over there(在那边)?

they’re under the trees. let’s go and h**e a look.( 1. tom isn’t on the farm.( is 11.

) 3. they can see apple trees and orangetrees.

) 4. some pigs and cows are on the farm.

) 5. the chickens and ducks are in the tree.


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