
发布 2020-03-04 14:00:28 阅读 1229


一、听力理解 (50%)

a. 看图,并根据你所听到的内容,用数字标出朗读顺序。6%

b. 看图,听录音并判断对错,正确的用√表示,错误的用× 表示。 6%


c. 听录音完成下列算式,根据录音写出阿拉伯数字。 6%

d. 根据录音选出你听到的句子,将序号写在括号内。 12%

1. a. who’s thisb. who’s that?

c. what time is it?

2. a. this is my fatherb. this is my brother.

c. this is my son.

3. a. that’s my sisterb. he’s my father.

c. he’s my uncle.

4. a. he’s my grandfatherb. that’s my aunt.

c. that’s my grandmother.

5. a. i am eightb. it’s twelve o’clock.

c. let’s go home.

6. a. how are youb. how old are you?

c. what’s in your bag?

e. 根据听到的问句,选择正确的答句。10%

) 1. a. i am twelveb. it’s twelve o’clock.

c. my name is tom.

) 2. a. glad to see you againb. see you later.

c. i’m ok.

3. a. this is my uncleb. that’s my storybook.

c. look, this is my ruler.

4. a. sure, here you areb. no, thanks. i like apples.

c. i’m seven.

5. a. here you areb. a chinese book.

c. f.情境选择。 6%

( )1、你询问别人的姓名应说ab. (

( )2、你向妈妈介绍刘老师应说ab. (

( )3、“我有一把尺子。”的正确译文是: ab. (

( )4、别人问你的年龄时,应说ab. (

( )5、你的叔叔向别人介绍你爸爸时应说: a.( b6、你想知道现在几点了,你可以这样问: ab. (

g.听录音,排列下列句子的顺序。 4%

1. my name is gao wei.

2. good morning. what’s your name?

3. how old are you?

4. i’m twelve.



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