
发布 2020-02-25 06:06:28 阅读 1062






. 听力测试:(每小题1分,计30分)

a. 句子理解:听句子,从所给的三幅图中选出与你所听到的句子情景相同(相近)的图画。(每小题读两遍)(5分)

b. 情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最恰当的答语。(每小题读两遍)(8分)

6. a. good idea. b. good luck! c. yes,it is.

7. a. no way! b. no hurry. c. no,please don't.

8. a. excuse me. b. never mind. c. oh,i'm sorry.

9. a. on sunday. b. no,he won't. c. yes,he will.

10. a. in five minutes. b. five minutes ago. c. for five minutes.

11. a. he is kind. b. he is tall. c. he is in black.

12. a. yes,i am. b. no,you don't. c. no,i'm not sure

13. a. you shouldn't do that.

b. i'm going shopping. c.

why? are they out of style?

c. 对话理解:根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题。(每段对话读两遍)(12分)


14. where does the man come from?

a. australia. b. the usa. c. england.

15. what does the man think of english?

a. a little boring. b. a little easy. c. a little hard.

16. who will cook supper?

a. d**id. b. d**id's sister. c. d**id's mother.

17. how was the weather just now?

a. fine. b. cloudy. c. rainy.

18. what festival are they talking about?

a. midautumn festival. b. dragon boat festival. c. spring festival.

19. how many cats are there in total?

a. two. b. four. c. six.



20. where does the conversation probably happen?

a. at a party. b. at home. c. at a school.

21. what's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

a. close friends. b. father and daughter. c. brother and sister.

22. what does jack h**e to do?

a. to take out the rubbish. b. to clean up his room. c. to wash the dishes.


23. what does the woman do?

a. an office worker. b. a director. c. a saleswoman.

24. why does the man take the tshirt back to the store?

a. because it is too small.

b. because it is too large.

c. because his son doesn't like the color.

25. what does the man choose at last?

a. a blue tshirt in size m. b.

a blue tshirt in size l. c. a white tshirt in size l.

d. **填空:根据你所听到的对话内容,填写下面**,每空填一词。(对话读三遍)(5分)

booking train tickets

. 单项选择:从a、b、c三个选项中,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,计15分)

31. —who'sman in a windbreaker? is he your father?

no,he's my uncle.

a. a b. an c. the

32. —i don't like fruit or vegetables. i___eat them.

but they're good for your health.

a. always b. seldom c. often

33. —sun honglei is one of___at present,i think.

i agree with you.

a. the best actors b. better actors c. the best actor

34. where's my key? i remember putting it___in the study.

a. everywhere b. anywhere c. somewhere

35. let's carry the sofa out of the bedroom. it takes up too much___

a. place b. room c. area

36. my sister is so busy that she really can't helpsome washing.

a. does b. to do c. doing

37. the old man has been living by___since his children went abroad.

a. himself b. him c. his

38. the novel is so great. it is well worthagain.

a. read b. to read c. reading

39. —what a pity! we've lost the baseball game.

it is notwhether you fail or succeed. the point is that you take part in it and enjoy it.

a. important b. possible c. natural

40. —could you tell mei must prepare for it.

well,it will start at 9∶00 tomorrow morning. there is enough time for you.

a. why will the speech start b. when the speech will start c. where the speech will start

41. —could i use your recorder for a few moments,please?

i'm not using it.

a. come on. b. that's great. c. go ahead.

42. mr. zhang is___taking an airplane. he has to go to beijing by train.

a. afraid of b. fond of c. short of

43. —i think if i___another chance,i will do it better.

i'm sure you will.

a. h**e given b. am given c. will give

44. —we won't h**e any classes this friday afternoon.

why not go hiking together?

a. so i will. b. so will i. c. neither will i.

45. japan's nuclear accidenthappened in march has brought the world's attention to nuclear problems once again.


一 命题依据。以 义务教育英语课程标准 2011年版 以下简称 课程标准 为依据,参照 2015年福建省初中学业考试大纲 英语 结合我市初中英语教学实际进行命题。二 命题原则。坚持以学生为本,立足基础,难易适中,听 说 读 写四项技能全面考查,做到思想性 科学性 技术性的统一。正确发挥考试的导向功能...


a 重力势能一直增大 b 动能一直增大。c 动能先增大后减小 d 重力势能先增大后减小。12 2008年12月,中国海军某舰艇编队远赴索马里海域执行护航任务,当。从太平洋进入印度洋某海域后,士兵们发现船体浸入水中的深度。增大了 假设 受到的重力保持不变 则 受到的浮力。a 变小 b 不变。c 变大 ...


2019年漳州市初中毕业班质量检测。语文试题。全卷共6页23题 考试时间120分钟 满分150分 友情提示 请把所有答案填写 涂 在答案卡上,请不要错位 越界做答!一 积累与运用 20分 1.补写出下列句子中的空缺部分。12分 1 悠哉悠哉诗经 关雎 2 烽火连三月杜甫 春望 3 念天地之悠悠陈子昂...