
发布 2020-02-22 05:01:28 阅读 7884

unit1 how do you study for a test?


1. by asking the teacher for help(p2)通过向老师寻求帮助。


they asked me for help.他们向我求助。

we asked our pe teacher for a football.我们请求体育老师给我们一个足球。



mr green makes a living by teaching.格林先生以教书为生。


he went by the supermarket on his way to school.



li lei sits by my side in the classroom.在教室里,李雷坐在我的旁边。


i can finish doing my homework by six o’clock. 我能在6点之前做完作业。


i usually go to school by bike. 我通常骑自行车去上学。


the thief stole the money when no one was by.当旁边无人的时候,小偷偷走了钱。

短语链语。by and by “不久”,“一会儿”。

it’s 12 o’clock now and we will go home by and by.


by the way “顺便说一下”。

by the way, i forgot to tell you the news. 哦,对了,我忘记告诉你那个消息了。

2. he’s been learning english for six years and really loves it. (p4)他已经学了六年的英语,而且的确很喜欢它。

he’s是he has的缩写。这是一个现在完成进行时态的句子,由“助动词h**e/has+been+现在分词”构成,用来表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,可能还要延续下去。请看:

mr green has been lying in bed for two weeks. 格林先生已经卧床两个星期了。

we h**e been teaching in this school for eight and a half years.


3. she added that h**ing conversations with friends was not helpful at all. (p4)她补充说,和朋友交谈一点帮助都没有。


it will add to your troubles. 这将会给你们增添麻烦的。

mr smith added that he would be back soon.


2)at all与not, no, nothing, nobody, nowhere等表示否定意义的词连用,用来加强否定意义,表示“完全不,一点儿都不,丝毫不”的意思。

he doesn’t like swimming at all.他一点儿都不喜欢游泳。

there is nothing in the room at all.房间里面什么东西都没有。

not at all单独使用时,用来回答对方的感谢或道歉,相当于that’ s all right, you’re welcome等。但是,you’re welcome主要用于美国英语中,而英国人则多用not at all。

thank you very much for your help.非常感谢你的帮助!

not at all./that’ s all right./you’re welcome.别客气。

4. we get excited about something and then end up speaking in chinese. (p4) 有些话题让我们兴奋不已 ,最后干脆说起汉语来。

1)be/get excited about意思是“对……感到兴奋”,其中about后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。

she got excited about it as soon as she heard the good news.


are you excited about going to shanghai? 你对去上海感到兴奋吗?

类似短语。be/get worried about “对……感到担心”,be amazed at“对……感到惊讶”,be pleased with“对……感到满意”。


we were excited when we saw our team was winning.



the football match we watched was very exciting.


3)end up意为“达到某状态或采取某行动,以……结束或告终”,后面接动词-ing形式。

he ended up running a firm. 他最终经营了一家公司。

类似短语。finish up“完成”, eat up“吃光”, burn up“烧光”。

5. maybe you should join an english language club. (p5)也许你应该参加某个英语俱乐部。

1)maybe和may be虽然写法相似,意思也相似,但是用法区别很大。maybe是副词,意为“也许,可能”,用作状语;may be意为“也许是,可能是”,may是情态动词,与be一起作谓语。

maybe you put it there. 也许你把它放在那里了。

but i’m afraid i may be a little late. 但恐怕我可能是晚了一点。

2)join意为“参加,加入”,主要指参加、加入某党派、团体,成为一员,后面也可跟us, them, the young people等表示一群人的词或词组;而 take part in也意为“参加,加入”,指参**众性的活动、会议、考试、竞赛等。

my brother joined the league two years ago. 我的哥哥两年前就入团了。

we are getting ready to take part in the speech contest.


6. first of all, it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class. (p6)刚开始,当老师和全班学生说话的时候,她的话对我来说很难听懂。

1)短语first of all意为“首先,第一”,在句中作状语,强调首要的事情是什么,不一定用于列举,常用于first of all...then...at last...


first of all, i must finish my work. 首先,我必须完成我的工作。

first of all, i want to say that thank you for coming.


7. to begin with, she spoke too quickly, and i couldn’t understand every word. (p6)刚开始,她讲得太快,我不能每个词都听懂。

本句中的to begin with意为“首先,第一点(理由)”。

we can’t go. to begin with, it’s too cold. besides, we’ve no money.


begin with意为“以……开始”,其后接动词时应用动词-ing形式。

the book begins with a story. 这本书是以一个故事开头。

the party began with dancing. 晚会是以舞蹈开头的。

8. later on, i realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word. (p6)后来,我意识到即使不理解每个单词也没有关系。

later on是由later与on构成的固定词组,但在意思和用法上与later既有相同之处,也有区别的地方。

特别提示。later与later on的用法。


later he learned how to repair television sets.后来他学会了修电视机。

the radio says the sun will come out later.广播说太阳过些时候就会出来。


he came back a week later.一星期后他回来了。



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