
发布 2020-02-12 10:56:28 阅读 7903


所属作文: 五年级试卷


( )1. a . morning b . afternoon c . evening

( )2.. a shopping b .swimming c . fishing

( )3.. a cool b . cold c .warm.

( )4. a when b .where c what.

( )5. a day b . day c . date

( )6. a . july b . june c . may

( )7.. a . twelve b . twelfth c . twentieth

( )8.. a . plane b . plate c . play

( )9. a . october 1st b . october 2nd c . october 3rd

( )10. a 6:15. b . 6:50 c . 3:50


(10分)( )can’t plant trees in fall ..

( )7. sarah’s f**ourite season is summer.

( )8 . mike often gets up at 9:00.

( )9. sarah’s birthday is in june

( )and zhangpeng usually watch tv and go shopping on the weekend.


( )1. a .it’s spring . b. it’s winter. c. .it’s summer .

( )2. a. at 9:00. b. at 12:00 . c. at 7:00 .

( )3. a. it’s march 8th . b. it’s june 1st . c. it’s october 1st .

( )4. a. i go to the zoo b. we often fly kites .

c. they usually play games

( )5. a. it’s friday b .it’s april 23rd . c. it’s spring .


1. why do you likei can plant trees .

2. amy often __the___on the weekend .

3. my parentsat 8:00 in the morning.

4. wuyifan’s birthday is intom’s birthday is in

5.__i go hikingi climb mountains .

五。 根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“√”不相符的打“×”共10分)

( )1. mike can skate in winter .

( )often rains in spring in china.

( )can eat apples in fall .

( )4. mike can swim and watch the flowers in summer .

( )5. mike likes all the seasons .


a : hello .can i ask you some questions, please ?

b : sure .

ab: it is june 1st .

ab;i play sports every day .


b: at 6:30 a. m.

a: oh, you get up so early (早的。

b: because it is children’s day

a: i get up 7:00 a. m.


zhangpeng: when is your birthday

sarah: it’s in february.

zhangpeng: which season do you like best, mary?

sarah: i like spring best. it’s usually windy and warm.

zhangpeng: why do you like spring?

sarah: because i can plant trees . the trees are green.

the flowers are colourful. which season do you like best?

zhangpeng: fall is my f**ourite season.

sarah: why do you like fall?

zhangpeng: fall is golden and farmers are busy. i can eat many fruits . i can fly

kites ,too .

( )1 which season does zhangpeng like best?

a he likes fall. b he like winter best.

c he likes summer.

( )2 what’s the weather like in spring?

a it’s sunny and cool. b it’s windy and warm..

c it’s usually sunny and warm .

( )3 why does sarah like spring?

a because she can plant trees. b because she can fly kites.

c. because she can eat many fruits .

( )4 sarah’s birthday is in

a winter. b summer. c . spring.

( )5 does zhangpeng like flying kites?

a yes, he does. b no, he doesn’t. c yes, he is.


( birthday, visit , snow coat, sweater, shorts, skate, ******, city snowman , 2nd , swim)

hello, i am andy. october___is my grandma’si ama birthday card (生日卡) for her. usually imy grandparents on october 1st.

my grandparents live(住) in harbin. it’s a beautifulit’s usually snowy in harbin in october. so i canat that time.

i usually wear __andi like playing with theand ****** a __in harbin, too.


what’s your f**ourite season ?


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