[第一段]rough /rqf/ adj 粗略的; 大致的: give me a rough idea of your plans. 请把你那些计划的大体想法告诉我。 (s1)
guide /gaid/ n [c] 有指导意义的事物; 准则: as a rough guide, allow half a cup of rice per person. 大致定个标准,就是每人半杯米。
commercial /ke5m\:fl/ n [c] (电视或电台播出的)广告: a shampoo/dog food commercial 洗发水/**广告 (s3)
exploit /5eksplrit/ v [t] (为获取利益而)利用: we need to exploit every opportunity for media cover-age. 我们需要利用每一个**宣传的机会。
alternative /r:l5t\:netiv/ adj (仅用于名词前)供替代的,供选择的:
h**e you got an alternative suggestion? 你有没有其他的建议? (s3)
passionate /5pafenet/ adj感情强烈的; 情绪激昂的: she was passionate about flying. 她酷爱飞行。(s4)
earn // v [t] 赢得; 博得: his honesty earned him great respect. 他因诚实而博得人们的尊敬。 (s4)
promote /pre5meut/ v [t] 宣传; 推销: a publicity campaign to promote her new book 为推销她的新书而开展的宣传活动 (s4)
leverage /5leveridv/ v [t] 充分利用(资源、观点等): reusable software is leveraged across many applications. 可重复使用的软件得到广泛应用。
alert /e5l\:t/ n [c] 提醒; 通知: e-mail alert 电子邮件通知 (s4)
register /5redviste(r)/ v [i] 注册; 登记(有关信息): the company was originally registered in 1856. 公司最初是于2023年注册的。
approach /e5preutf/ v [t] 处理; 对付: governments tend to approach the issue from different angles. **倾向于从多个角度处理这个问题。
stem from sth源于; 是……的缘故: many of her problems stem from her family. 她的很多问题都源于她的家庭。 (s5)
[第二段]control /ken5treul/ v [t] 控制; 操纵: i hit a patch of ice and couldn’t control the car. 我撞到一块冰上后便无法控制汽车了。
initiator /i5nifieite/ n [c] 引发物: initiator of poly-merization聚合引发剂 (s2)
e-commerce /5i9kcm\:s/ n [u] 电子商务: e-commerce applications such as online ticketing and reservations 诸如网上售票和预订等电子商务应用(s3)
retailer /ri: 5teile/ n [c] 零售商(s3)
traffic /5trafik/ n [u] (通讯系统的)通信(量),信息流量: internet traffic 互联网上的信息流量 (s4)
engine /5endvin/ n [c] 引擎:search engine搜索引擎(s4)
infancy /5infensi/ n [u] (发展或生长的)初期: the project was cancelled while it was still in its infancy. 这项目尚处于初期阶段时就取消了。
stand-alone /5stande9leun/ adj独立的; 孤立的: each of its factories operates on a stand-alone basis. 它的每个工厂都是独立运营的。
property /5prcpeti/ n [c] 所有物: properties such as copyrights and trademarks 像版权和商标这样的所有物 (s6)
complementary /9kcmpli5mentri/ adj补充的; 互补的: these two aims are not always mutually complementary: at times they conflict.
这两个目标不总是互补的:有时它们相互抵触。 (s6)
competitive /kem5petetiv/ adj竞争的: many firms are struggling to survive in a highly competitive marketplace. 许多公司都为了能在竞争激烈的市场中生存而挣扎。
generate /5dvenereit/ v [t] 赚(钱); 创造(财富): the business is not generating enough revenue to cover its costs. 这个企业入不敷出。
presence /5prezns/ n [u] 存在; 在场; 出席: her presence during the crisis had a calming effect. 在危难中有了她就稳定了人心。
objective /eb5dvektiv/ adj客观的; 无偏见的: an objective report/account/assessment客观的报道/叙述/评估 (s7)
appeal /e5pi:l/ n [u] 吸引力; 感染力; 魅力: the new fashion soon lost its appeal.
那种新式样不久就失去了吸引力。 (s7)
concerned /ken5s\:nd/ adj (不用于名词前)相关的,有关的: i suggest you h**e a quick word with the person concerned.
[第三段]dramatic /dre5matik/ adj突然的; 巨大的; 令人吃惊的: the announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices. 这则公告对房屋**产生了巨大影响。
diverse /dai5v\:s/ adj多种多样的; 不同的: people from diverse cultures 不同文化背景的人 (s1)
communications /ke9mju:ni5keifns/ n [pl](用复数)通讯: a highly advanced radio communications system 很先进的无线电通讯系统 (s1)
voice /vris/ v [t] 表达,吐露(尤指消极情绪): a spokesman voiced the workers’ dissatisfaction. 发言人表达了工人的不满情绪。
damaging /5damidvin/ adj伤害的; 有负面影响的: hurst resigned after a series of damaging allegations concerning his personal life. 赫斯特在受到一系列对其个人生活的不利指控后辞职。
hijack /5haidvak/ v [t] 控制; 操纵: environmentalists were accused of hijacking the rally to promote their own aims. 环境保护主义者被指控通过操纵这一集会来促进自身目标的实现。
asset /5aset/ n [c](有用的或宝贵的)品质; 优点: youth is a tremendous asset in this job. 在这种工作中,年轻是一个巨大的优势。
campaign /kam5pein/ n [c](电视广告、海报等)宣传活动: the campaign boosted sales of the jeans by 200%. 宣传活动使得牛仔服装的销量提高了200%。
hostage /5hcstidv/ n [c] 人质; 自由受到某物限制的人(或物): major sporting events h**e become hostages to the big television networks. 主要的体育盛会已受到这些大型电视网的限制。
allegation /9ali5geifn/ n [c](有待证实的)指责,指控: he made allegations of corruption against the administration. 他指控行政管理部门腐败。
[第四段]boycott /5brikct/ v [t] 拒绝处理或购买(货物); 抵制: she urged people to boycott the company’s products. 她敦促人们抵制这家公司的产品。
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