
发布 2020-01-09 14:34:28 阅读 3981

1. it’s time for supper. it’s time to h**e supper.

2. it’s good for your health.

3. you’d not smoke in the room.

4. it took me two hours to finish my homework.

5. what’s wrong with you? (what’s the matter with you?)

6. i used to get up at 6 in the morning.

7. i’d like a cup of coffee. /i’d like to h**e a cup of coffee.

would you like some coffee? /would you like to h**e some coffee?

8. i can’t wait to tell you the good news.

9. speak louder so that i can hear you clearly.

10. the more you read, the more you will understand.

11. he was late for class yesterday.

12. it is said that li ping has gone to us.

13. i enjoy reading. (hate, finish, like, go on, be busy, keep, keep on, carry, feel like)

14. my mother told me not to get up too late in the morning.

15. i saw him enter the room. i saw him coming towards me.

16. my teacher made me do a lot of homework. my mother just let me play.

17. he ran so fast that i couldn’t catch up with him.

18. the book is too difficult to read.

19. he is not only my teacher, but also my friend.

20. i prefer chinese to english.

21. both he and i are middle school students.

22. neither he nor i am a teacher. /neither i nor he is a teacher.

23. i h**e two books. you can choose either this one or that one.

24. he didn’t came back until 10 o’clock.

25. i’m afraid of dogs. /i’m afraid to go out alone at night.

26. it’s important for us to learn english.

27. i don’t think you are right.

28. when my mother came back, i stopped to do my homework./ i stopped playing.

29. give/ bring/ show/ tell, lend, me a book.

30. i spent 20 yuan on books last month. /i spent two hours in doing my homework.

/i spent two hours on my homework.

31. what do you mean by saying “it’s strange”?

32. i like swimming. /i like to go swimming this afternoon.

33. what about a cup of coffee? what about going out for a walk?

34. why not stop and h**e a rest?

35. it’s better to go home now.

36. it’s two meters long. i’m twelve years old.

37. i am as fat as you (are)./i am not as/so fat as you.

38. i often help my mother do housework on sunday. i often help my mother with housework on sunday.

39. what do you think of the film? /how do you like the film?

40. he likes english very much. so do i.

41. i forget (remember)to bring my book here./ i forget(remember) telling him the news.

42. the teacher stopped/ kept/ prevent him from talking loudly in the classroom.

43. i prefer to go home by bus rather than (go home) by bike.

44. i h**e nothing to do that matter.

45. he speaks such good english that i think he is an american.

46. i’m proud of my class.

47. i am able to swim across the river.

2. 蝶恋花

庭院深深深几许, 杨柳堆烟, 帘幕无重数。玉勒雕鞍游冶处, 楼高不见章台路。












3. 生查子①


去年元夜时,② 花市灯如昼。 月上柳梢头, 人约黄昏后。






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