
发布 2020-01-03 05:26:28 阅读 8826

unit 1 (l1-6)

1. 请某人做某事:please + 动词原形。

please sit down. please stand up.

please walk. please stop.

2. 请某人不要做某事:please don’t + 动词原形。

please don’t jump! please don’t sing!

please don’t run! please don’t go straight.

3. 想要做某事:want to + 动词原形。

i want to jump. i want to sing. i want to dance.

4. what do you see on the train?

i see many tall trees. i see a banana.

5. 正在做某事:主语+ be +doing

i am drawing a picture now.

danny is singing a song to your mother.

jenny is looking out of the window on the train.

some boys and girls are playing there.

danny is pointing at the food.

the woman behind me is singing.

6. what are you doing? 你正在干什么?

i am drawing a picture. 我正在画画。

what is he/she doing?

he/she is playing with the baby.

7. are you singing?

yes. i am. no, i’m not.

is he sleeping?

yes, he is. no, he isn’t.

8. who is talking?

danny is talking. he is talking to the man behind you.

9. 询问对方是否想要某物: would you like + 某物?

yes, please. no, thanks.

would you like some fruit?

yes, please. i’d like an apple and an orange, please.

would you like some water?

no. thanks. i’d like some tea, please.

10. 书9页—2 15页

unit 2 (l7-12)

1. 名词单数变复数:

table—tables chair—chairs parent—parents place—places

baby—babies bus—buses child—children

man—men woman—women people—people

2. li ming, danny jenny and mrs. li arrive in beijing at 1:

17 in the afternoon. they are on their way to the hotel.

3. 表示存在、有 : there is\are… (23页-2)

there are many people in the park. 公园里有很多人。

there are too many cars and buses. 有太多的汽车和公交。

there is a red school.

4. 20页—1 22页—1

5. 让我们做某事: let’s +动词原形。

let’s fly a kite. let’s look in the window.

6. how old………岁了? …年了?

how old is the palace museum.

it’s about six hundred years old.

how old is the great wall?

it’s about 2000 years old.

7. how long… …多长?

how long is the great wall?

it’s about 6000 kilometres.

8. 询问感觉: how do/does…feel?

how do you feel?

i feel happy.

how does danny feel?

he feels tired and hungry.

9. the light is yellow. please wait.

the light is red. please stop.

the light is green. please go.

10. i hurt my arm. 我弄伤了我的胳膊。

he hurts his tail. 他弄伤了他的尾巴。

11. 为某人买某物: buy…for…

jenny buys a scarf for her mother, some tea for her father, a kite for her sister and a cap for her brother.

12. what time is it now? 现在几点了?

it’s 3:00. 现在3:00.

13. may i take your picture?

sure.unit 3 (l13-18)

1. these are postcards. a postcard has a picture on it.

this is a letter. we write a letter on *****.

this is an email. we write an email on a computer.

2. a picture of… …的**。

this postcard has a picture of the palace museum.

3. 想要把某物寄给某人: want to send…to… (39页—1)

i want to send this postcard to my mum and dad.

i want to send a letter to my uncle.

4. 询问价钱: how much is/are… (39页—2, 43页—1)

how much is this postcard?

it’s two yuan.

i’ll take nine, please.

how much are they?

they are twenty yuan.

5. where do you write on a postcard? on the left.

where do you put the address? on the right.

write the date first. 首先写日期。

don’t forget the stamps. 不要忘记邮票。

6. 询问地点 :where is… go straight/turn left/ turn right

excuse me, where is the post office?

go straight. turn left at the traffic lights.


7. a postcard is slow. an email is fast.

and it doesn’t need stamps. let’s send an email.

good idea! 好主意!

8. 信件范文:40页,44页,46页。

unit 4 (l19-24)

1. 一般过去时,过去发生的事情: 主语+动词过去式+过去时间。

i often walk to school.

i walked to the park yesterday.

i often watch tv at home.

i watched a film last night.

i go to the library on sundays.

i went to the cinema yesterday.

i see danny every day.

i saw mr. wood yesterday.

i eat an apple every day.

i ate an orange yesterday.

he is eight years old this year.

he was seven years old last year.

i am happy today.

i was sad yesterday.

we are in canada this week.

we were in china last week.

2. 询问过去做了什么事。(57页—2)

what did you do yesterday?

we walked to wangfujing street. we shopped there. i wanted to buy a gift for you.

3. 询问过去是否做过某事。

did you h**e a nice trip? 你旅途愉快吗?

yes, i had a great trip.


反意疑问句 作用 对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问,起证实作用,一般用于证实说话者所说的事实或观点。结构 陈述句 附加疑问句 助动词 be动词或情态动词 人称代词 步骤 看 陈述部分 时态,决定要用的助动词 be动词或情态动词。看意义 肯定 否定 前肯后否,前否后肯。eg the boy is do...


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