
发布 2020-01-02 17:06:28 阅读 3742

unit1 texts 1---4

teaching aims: 1、通过泛读理论与实践的学习使学生掌握的阅读基本理论和相关的阅读技巧,理论与实践并重,达到学术性、思想性、知识性、趣味性和实用性。


teaching difficulties: 1、understand the words

2、improve the speed

teaching approaches: 1、discussion

2、group work and role playing

teaching time: 160mins

teaching procedures

texts 1--4

1. soapy winter home

1.1 reading guide to text1

a) learn the following words before reading. they will help you understand the text.v.n.


n.b) glance over the text quickly once and see if you can answer the following questions.

was soapy thinking about doing for the winter?

did he smash the shop window?

did the policeman do to him at the end?

2. the hidden power

2.1 reading guide to text 2

a) learn the following words before reading. they will help you understand the text.



n.b) glance over the text quickly once and see if you can answer the following questions.

is marie sklodovska?

does the story tell you about?

makes madame curie a great woman?

3. talking birch bark

3.1 reading guide to text 3

a) learn the following words before reading. they will help you understand the text.n.n.



v.b) glance over the text quickly once and see if you can answer the following questions.

had james evans lived for years?

did the indians call evans “the man who makes birch bark talk”?

evans the only one to make an indian alphabet?

4. an open-classroom

4.1 reading guide to text 4

a) learn the following words before reading. they will help you understand the text.



basic adj.

adj.society n.

6. (at) least n.


b) glance over the text quickly once and see if you can answer the following questions.

the school teacher like her work before?

change in teaching methods has taken place in her school?

is the change in the teacher’s feelings?

step v do the exercises (40mins)

step vi. homework: do the exercise ix on page 78

step vii .reflection:

unit2 texts 5---8

teaching aims: 1、通过泛读理论与实践的学习使学生掌握的阅读基本理论和相关的阅读技巧,理论与实践并重,达到学术性、思想性、知识性、趣味性和实用性。


teaching difficulties: 1、understand the words

2、improve the speed

teaching approaches: 1、discussion

2、group work and role playing

teaching time: 160mins

teaching procedures:

5. king for a meal

5.1 reading guide to text 5

a) learn the following words before reading. they will help you understand the text.n.n.



b) glance over the text quickly once and see if you can answer the following questions.

is john spight?

did his family get the twenty acres of land?

did the writer sign for the king?

6. worthwhile fight

6.1 reading guide to text 6

a) learn the following words before reading. they will help you understand the text.




n.leper n.

b) glance over the text quickly once and see if you can answer the following questions.

did eunice think worthwhile to fight for?

did she begin her fight?

she successful in her fight?

7. to help and protect

7.1 reading guide to text7

a) learn the following words before reading. they will help you understand the text.n.n.



n.b) glance over the text quickly once and see if you can answer the following questions.

does a life insurance company do?

do you know about spaulding?

did merrick,moore,and spaulding help the black people?

8. the case of the mint and the stamps

8.1 reading guide to text 8

a) learn the following words before reading. they will help you understand the text.

高级英语Book 5教学方案

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