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例1:—when do we need to pay the balance?—_september 30.(2006北京卷)

a. inb. byc. duringd. within



a. overb. withinc. beyondd. below析:c。soexpensive暗示该空表示“超出之外”。

例3:in order to change attitudes __employing women, the government is bringing in newlaws.(2004北京春季卷)

a. aboutb. ofc. towardsd. on析:c。该空表示“对的(态度)”。二、考查“动词+介词”短语的区别。


例1:the building around the corner caught fire last night. the police are now __the matter.


a. seeing throughb. working outc. looking intod. watching over

析:c。由主语和宾语之间的语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“调查”,因此应填looking into。

see through看透;work out解出;watch over守卫,保护。例2:—the boss said we had only three days to finish the work.

—don’t worry. we h**e already __two thirds of it.(2006四川卷)

a. got downb. got throughc.

given ind. given away析:b。

don’t worry.与already之间的语境逻辑暗示该空表示“完成”,因此应填got through。get down下来,取下,写下;give in屈服;give away赠送,泄露,分配。


take, make, pick, turn, go, get, set, put, give, le**e, keep, cut, call, pull等动词构成的不同介词短语是高考考查的重点。

例1:with no one to __in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless.(2006陕西卷)

a. turn tob. turn onc.

turn offd. turn over析:a。

helpless暗示该空表示“求助”,因此应填turn to。turn on打开;turn off关掉;turnover翻开。例2:

the internet has brought __big changes in the way we work.(2005北京春季卷)a. aboutb.

outc. backd. up

析:a。主语和宾语间的逻辑性暗示该空表示“带来”,因此应用bring about。

bring out拿出;bring back归还,使记起,使恢复;bring up吐出,抚养。(3)考查“动词(不同)+介词(相同)”短语的区别由同一介词、不同动词组成的介词短语也是历年高考考查的重点。备考时应重点注意out, for,up, into, off, on, in, through, to等活跃介词构成的“动词+介词”短语。

例1:this picture was taken a long time ago. i wonder if you can __my father.


a. find outb. pick outc. look outd. speak out

析:b。was taken a long time ago暗示该空表示“挑选”,因此应填pick out。

find out找出,发现;look out当心;speak out直言不讳地说。

例2:could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you __yesterday?(2005辽宁卷)

a. tried onb. put onc. had ond. pulled on


”tryon试穿;puton穿上(表动作);h**e on穿着(表状态);pull on很快穿上。三、考查“介词+名词/代词”短语的用法。

介词+名词/代词”是常见的介词短语,主要由by, for, in, on等活跃介词+名词/代词构成。例1:i would like a job which pays more, but __i enjoy the work i’m doing at the momen(2006浙江卷)

a. in other wordsb. on the other handc.

for one thingd. as a matter of fact析:b。

but暗示该空表示“另一方面”,因此应填on the other hand。in other words换言之;for one thing首先,举个例说;as a matter of fact实际上。

例2:no one helped me. i did it all __myself.(2005全国卷i、ii)

a. forb. byc.

fromd. to析:b。

no one helped me.暗示该空表示“独立地”,因此应用by oneself短语。for oneself为某人自己,亲自;to oneself独用地,在心中。


介词+名词+介词”也是常见的介词短语,开头介词多为in, for, at, by等活跃介词。


a. in f**our ofb. in memory ofc. in honour ofd. in search of

析:a。while的对比性语境逻辑暗示该空应填against的反义词,表示“赞成”,因此应填in f**our of。

in memory of为纪念;in honour of为纪念,为向表示敬意,为庆祝;in searchof寻找。

例2:john became a football coach in sealion middle school __the beginning of march.(2005上海卷)

a. onb. forc. withd. at析:d。at the beginning of在一开始。五、考查对“be+形容词+介词”短语的识别。

be+形容词+介词”短语中,形容词多半表示人的心理,介词多为with, of, about, to, for, in等活跃介词。

例:—you know, bob is a little slow __under-standing, so...so i h**e to be patient __him.


a. in; withb. on; withc. in; tod. at; for

析:a。be slow in在(方面)迟钝;be patient with对耐心。六、考查对介词式插入语的区别。

由介词in构成的插入语一向是高考考查的重点,常见的有in fact, in turn, in return, in general,in a word, in other words, in one’s opinion等。

例:acleanenvironmentcanhelpthecitybidfortheolympics,which___willpromoteitseconomic development.(2006山东卷)a.

in natureb. in returnc. in turnd.

in fact析:c。由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“反过来”,因此应填in turn。

in nature性质上;in return作为报答;in fact实际上。




a. forb. withc. fromd. of

析:b。由语境逻辑和句子结构可知,his works unfinished为“名词+过去分词”独立主格结构作伴随状语,因此前面可加with。

例2:__two exams to worry about, i h**e to work really hard this weekend.(2004北京卷)

a. withb. besidesc. as ford. because of

析:a。two exams to worry about构成名词+不定式独立主格结构作原因状语,表示未来动作,因此该空应填with。



例:frank’s dream was to h**e his own shop __to produce the workings of his own hands.(2005湖南卷)

a. thatb. in whichc.

by whichd. how析:b。




例1:i saw a woman running toward me in the dark. before i could recognize who she was,shehad run back in the direction __she had come.


a. of whichb. by whichc.

in whichd. from which析:d。

定语从句与先行词可连成she had come from the direction,因此该空应填from which引导定语从句。

例2:shewaseducatedatbeijinguniversity,__shewentontoh**eheradvancedstudyabroad. (2006陕西卷)a.

after whichb. from whichc. from thatd.

after that

析:a。定语从句与先行词可连成she went on to h**e her advanced study abroad after she waseducated at beijing university,因此该空应填after which引导定语从句。


几乎所有介词后均应接动名词而不接不定式作宾语,但是but, except除外。例1:how about join us?(2006福建卷)


i’m looking forward to hear from you soon.(2006江西卷)

析:look forward to中的to为介词,因此后面应用动名词作宾语,hear应改为hearing。

高考英语复习 介词考点分析

介词考点分析。一表示地点时 at,in,on 的区别。1 my uncle lives 116 changhe street.his room is the sixth floor.a.at on b.to at c.on in d.of to notes at 表示在较小的地方 村庄,小城镇,门牌...


介词及介词短语。一 主要介词区别。1 表示时间的at,in,on at表示片刻的时间,如 at 8 o clock,常用词组有 at noon,at night,at midnight,at the end of,at that time,at the beginning of,at theage ...


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