
发布 2020-01-01 22:54:28 阅读 9055

[英语听说练习]language learning



根据美国语言学习研究中心的调查,目前至少有600多所美国大学提供专门的中文课程, 2000多所中小学已经将中文列为选修课程,甚至一些幼儿园也开了中文课。

佳词妙句。1. how many years h**e you been learning english?


2. what language course are you going to take?


3. english is widely used now. we should learn it well.


4. i think german is rather difficult. so i would like to learn spanish.


5. how did he learn so many languages?


精彩品读。1) w: good morning, bill.

m: good morning, susan.

w: are you going to study a new language this year at school?

m: yes. i h**e been studying english for 4 years.

now i would like to learn another language.

w: i am also thinking of learning another language. what language are you going to study?

perhaps we can learn it together.

m: i am not sure. i heard that german is very difficult, but spanish is easier.

w: i heard of that too. let’s register(注册) for the spanish class.

2) w: how are you getting on with your english learning?

m: quite well. i got another “a” in the last test.

w: good. english is the most widely used language in the world.

it is often used for international meetings and business letters. so it is important for you to learn it well.

m: i see, and i will work hard at it.

拓展操练。. 来自美国的杰克决定和他的室友,中国男孩小威相互学习中英文。

. 两朋友在谈论暑期英语课程,认为英语并不难学。

key:. m1: hello, wei.

i like chinese very much. it’s a wonderful language. i want to learn it.

m2: yes. you’re right.

but you see, i like english. it’s widely used all over the world.

m1: i h**e had a great idea.

m2: what’s that?

m1: let’s help each other. you teach me chinese and i teach you english.

m2: that’s a good idea.

. w: which language course did you take?

m: i took the six-week course. it was during the summer vacation.

w: do you think english is difficult to learn?

m: no. although six weeks are not enough, i really learned a lot last summer.

w: then i think i will take the same course this summer.


不少英语 论坛 学习者都面临着这样的问题 学了很多年的英语,几乎各种英文类考试都考了个遍,听懂新闻广播都没问题,但就是看不懂英语影视剧,这难道问题是出在了英语能力上吗?要想解决这个问题,就必须先了解新闻广播和影视剧的区别何在。新闻广播是最合乎标准的书面语言,措辞 语法 各种句式结构非常严谨,虽然它比...




作者 耿梅生。现代教育科学 中学教师 2013年第04期。长期以来,英语教学在听说练习方面一直不尽人意,特别在农村初中,由于缺乏相应的英语学习资源和学习环境,学生的英语听说练习甚至存在着近乎空白的盲区。因此,作为农村初中的英语教师,一方面应积极 提高学生听说水平的教学方法,另一方面应该积极寻求学校领...