
发布 2024-04-07 12:45:03 阅读 2093




maomao yangyang baobao guoguo lingling

四、 听问题选择正确答语,把正确选项填在括号内。(每小题2分,共10分)

1. (a. it’s a watchb. it’s four o’clock.

2a. i h**e a catb. i want a pink one. it looks cute.

3a. i go to school on mondayb. i go to school by car.

like summerb. yes, i do.

5a. yes,pleaseb. sure.


16. train bus17. blue red

18. t-shirt cap19. apple grapes

20. dog tiger21. spring fall

22. milk coke23. supper breakfast

24. bedroom kitchen25. head eyes

六、读句子,选择正确的选项, 将其标号填在题前括号里。(每小题1分,共10分)

)26. it’s a . it tells the time.

a. clock b. watch c. time

)27. i like best.

a. summer b. winter c. fall

)28. what’s breakfast?

a. for b. to

)29. the computer is the table.

a. on b. in c. under

)30.is this football

a. you b. your c. yours

) is not pen..

a. my b. mine c. i

)32is my shirt?

a. where b. whatc. when

) wish ia nice gift.

a. h**e b. amc. had

) are so manyin the street.

a. bus b. buses

)35. i go to schoolfoot.

a. by b. on





)51. i h**e a long hand and a short hand. i h**e no legs. i can tell the time.

abc )52. there are eggs, fish, rice, cake, juice and fruits in it.



welcome to lingling’s house. it is small but tidy. her bed is pink.

she often does her homework in the bedroom. she watches cartoons in the sitting room. there is a big tv in the sitting room.

) house is big and tidy.

) bed is pink.

) often does her homework in the sitting room.

) 56. lingling watches cartoons in the sitting room.

( )57. there is a big tv in the bathroom.



2008 2009年高二年级第二学期期末模拟试卷。一 选择题 在每题给出的四个选项中至少有一项是正确的,每题3分,共45分 1 下列说法不符合物理史实的是 a.赫兹首先发现电流能够产生磁场,证实了电和磁存在着相互联系。b.安培提出的分子电流假说,揭示了磁现象的电本质。c.法拉第在前人的启发下,经过十...


2018 2019学年第二学期二年级英语。期末测试卷。class name no.mark part 1听力部分 40 一 选出你所听到的单词或词组,并把编号填在前面的括号内 10 1.a.cardb.carc.cake 2.a.balloonb.bluec.bus 3.a.readb.redc.r...


2018 2019学年第二学期二年级英语。期末测试卷。class name no.mark part 1听力部分 40 一 选出你所听到的单词或词组,并把编号填在前面的括号内 10 1.a.cardb.carc.cake 2.a.balloonb.bluec.bus 3.a.readb.redc.r...