
发布 2019-12-17 17:26:28 阅读 7686




part 1听力部分:40%

一、 选出你所听到的单词或词组,并把编号填在前面的括号内:10%

)1. a. cardb. carc. cake

)2. a. balloonb. bluec. bus

)3. a. readb. redc. rice

)4. a. skipb. skatec. snake

)5. a. lightb. rightc. bright

)6. a. youb. yourc. my

)7. a. a big pigb. a big bagc. a small pig

)8. a. a smooth ball b. a small ballc. a small doll

)9. a. a nice carb. nine cars c. nine cakes

)10 a. ride a bicycle b. write a letter c. make a bird

二. 听录音,写出所缺字母,组成单词( 5%)

1.__ebra 2. wat__ 3. r__d__ 4. _ice 5. ta__le


) 1. a. i like zebrasb. i don’t like zebras.

) 2. a. please write with meb. please sing with me.

) 3. a. i see a butterflyb. i see butterflies.

) 4. a. ming can hear a carb. min can hear a van.

) 5. a. do rabbits like carrotsb. can rabbits eat carrots?

四。 听录音,选出听到的**4%


) 1. a. yes, she canb. no, he can’t.

) 2. a. i hear a dogb. i can hear a cat.

) 3. a. let’s stopb. wait!

) 4. a. no, it isn’tb. no, i don’t.

) 5. a. i like eating chickenb. i don’t like eating chicken.

) 6. a. she can make a birdb. he can ride a bicycle.



1. (summer is hot.

2. (sam has trouseres for summer.

3. (alice is sam’s friend. she has a skirt.

4. (sam can swim in summer.

5. (alice doesn’t like eating ice creams.

part 2 reading (笔试部分):60%


二.正确抄写下列句子 5%

can your father drive a car, alice? yes, he can.

三.看图完成句子 (5%)

1. winter is cold. i likeon the ice.

2. what do you h**e for summer? i h**e a

3. can your father

4. they h**e long noses. they are

5. it’s windy. i like flying a

四.选出不同类的单词 10%

) 1. a. white b. write c. purple d. orange

) hard b. soft c. smooth d. hand

) 3. a. climb b. read c. ride d. rice

) 4. a. coat b. sweater c. trousers d. spring

) 5. a. noodles b. cake c. card d. hamburger

五.选出正确的答案: 10%

( )1. look! this boy has a

a. dressb. blousec. shirt

) 2. my toy sheep is __

a. redb. purplec. white

) 3. how many footballs? there __two.

a. amb. isc. are

) 4. i likeon the grass.

a. hopb. hopingc. hopping

) 5. is it __autumn now? yes, it is.

a. anbc. a

) 6. do you like ?

a. carnationsb. carnation c. a carnation

) 7. i’m thirsty. but i don’t like

a. waterb. whatc. waters

) 8. do you like playing cards? no, i __

a. can’tb. don’tc. isn’t

) 9. _are they? they’re green cars.

a. whatb. what colour c. how

) 10. green light. please __

a. gob. waitc. stop

六.问答配对 (10%)

)1. do you like wintera. let’s stop.

)2. what are theyb. no,i can’t.

)3. what colour is the treec. no. i like summer.

)4. look at the light. it’s redd. they are elephants.

)5. can you fly a kitee. it’s green.

七 、选择正确的句子表达下列情景, 将编号填入括号内:12%


2018 2019学年第二学期二年级英语。期末测试卷。class name no.mark part 1听力部分 40 一 选出你所听到的单词或词组,并把编号填在前面的括号内 10 1.a.cardb.carc.cake 2.a.balloonb.bluec.bus 3.a.readb.redc.r...


口语试卷。第一题 正确朗读40个单词,要求发音准确。学生对单词掌握的比较好,基本上都能正确认读。对于字母较多的单词,学生不能马上读出。第二题 正确朗读10个句子。对话中用得较多的句子学生掌握得较好。口令等的祈使句不够熟练。第三题 根据问题,正确回答。大部分学生的完成情况基本良好。个别学生不能够听懂问...


学校班级姓名座号。密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 2014 2015学年第二学期小学数学期末试卷。总分 100分,时间 60分钟 命题人 陈礼萍。一 我会填。每空1分,共30分 1 四千写作3070写作。2 7 4余数 最大能填。3 9208读作它是由个千 百和 个一组成的。4 找规律填数。5 被除...