
发布 2024-03-29 17:00:07 阅读 6844



part 1 听力部分 50%

一、 听录音,写出你听到的字母:8%


二、 听录音,圈出你听到的字母组合或单词:12%

1. abdadb2. jghghj3. eac cea

4. feg egh 5. lgc cgl6. lnm lmn

7. plane play 8. clean close9. nogo

10. sweep sleep 11. tree train12. cat car

三、 听录音,圈出你听到的句子:10%

) may i h**e a pizzab. may i h**e a peach?

) i like to sleepb. i like to swim.

) we go to hangzhou by train. b. i go to hangzhou by train.

) i live in beijingb. i live in shanghai.

) my dog has my hot dogb. my father has my hot dog.

四、 听录音,给**编号(用数字表示):5%

五、 听录音判断, 跟**内容一致用√ 表示,不一致用×表示:5%

六、 听录音,勾出听到的**:5%

七、 听录音,连线:5%

part 2 笔试部分 50%

一、 写出所给字母的左右邻居:8%

1. _cd 3. i__k 5.__hi 6.__de 7. d__f 8. kl__

二、 完成单词:8%

rk2. bu_ _f_rry

in7. r_ _d8. p_ay

三、 选择题:8%

)1.__the floor, maya. sleep b. sweep)

) to eat pizzaa. live b. like)

)3. we __shanghai clean every day. (a. keep b. sweep)

)4. get __the busa. offb. of)

)5. i go to pudong __cara. byb. in)

)6. may i __some milka. has b. h**e)

)7.__do you go to beijinga. where b. how)

) i h**e a pizzaa. tob. too)

四、 读句子,选出相应的**:5%

) do you like to do? i like to write english.

ab. )2. look at the building. it’s tall.

ab. ) do you go to shanghai? we go to shanghai by taxi.

ab. )4. i’m hungry. h**e some noodles.

ab. )5. it likes to eat fish. what is it?

ab. 五、 找出不同类的词:10%

) swim b. sleepc. singd. bus

) milk b. juicec. ice-creamd. water

) bird b. dogc. rabbitd. cat

) van b. carc. roadd. bus

) pencil b. parkc. pend. ruler

六、 情景判断(用√ 、表示):6%

)1. 请may 上车,你说:get in the car, may.

)2. 告诉别人你乘飞机去北京,你说:i go to plane by beijing

)3. 告诉别人你住在上海,它很美丽。你说:

i love shanghai. it’s very beautiful.

)4. 你饿了,想吃蛋糕,你说:i like to eat some cakes.

)5. 邀请别人一起和你扫地,你说:come and sweep the floor with me.

)6.问sam怎么去pudong, 你说: how do you go to the pudong?

七、 看**,圈出正确的句子:5%

1. a. the boys like to dance.

b. the boys like to swim.

a. clean the park, please.

b. clean the classroom, please.

3. a. may i h**e two kites?

b. may i h**e two cats?

a. get in the van.

b. get in the car.

5. a. h**e a hot dog, please.

b. h**e a pizza , please.


2011学年第一学期二年级语文卷1 班级姓名学号家长签名 一 基本积累。1 圈出正确的读音。扇风 sh n sh n 好奇 h o h o 模样 m m折扇 sh n sh n 2 看拼音写词语。ti hu n b o o xi n di d ng w j n ti n y n ji t ng ku...


二年级第一学期语文卷1 班级姓名学号家长签名 一 基本积累。1 圈出正确的读音。扇风 sh n sh n 好奇 h o h o 模样 m m折扇 sh n sh n 2 看拼音写词语。ti hu n b o o xi n di d ng w j n ti n y n ji t ng ku i x n...


3 电风扇 在天花板上,一 就会转。4 同学们在校园里玩 山洞 河 橡皮筋。行幅种条辆份。一 报告一 小字一 插图。一 蓝鲸一 动物一 汽车。六 照样子填词。1 例 写 字书歌菊花。2 例 跳 舞 吃画欣赏 七 填上合适的词。的森林的小溪的阳光。的故乡的云彩的牧场。八 连词成句,加标点。12 1 呀...