
发布 2024-03-29 00:05:07 阅读 5874




听力部分:一、listen and choose(听录音,圈出你听到的字母组或单词)10%

) 1、a opq b poq c pqo

) 2、a bgd b gdb c gbd

) 3、a hji b jih c ijh

) 4、a kgj b kjg c jgk

) 5、a sun b moon c star

) 6、a my b fly c eye

) 7、a slide b swing c swim

) 8、a play b plate c plane

) 9、a look b like c kite

)10、a bag b book c box

二、listen and choose(听录音,圈出你听到的句子)10%

) 1、a i like to writeb i like to run.

) 2、a he can swimb he can’t swim.

) 3、a what can you seeb what can you do?

) 4、a there is a spoonb there are two spoons.

) 5、a look at the skyb look at the sun.

三、listen and judge (听录音,判断你听到的内容与**是否一致,用“√”或“×”表示)10%

四、listen and choose (听录音,选择恰当的应答句) 10%

) 1、a i can flyb yes, i can.

) 2、a it’s a flowerb it’s yellow.

) 3、a no, she isn’tb she is my mother.

) 4、a i can see a seesaw. b i can swing.

) 5、a thank youb here you are.

五、listen and number (听录音,给**和单词用“1 2 3 4 5 ”编号)10%

2、book chair desk box bag

读写部分:一、copy the words and sentence (正确抄写下列单词和句子)10%

kitchen supergirl can’t

the mouse is in the net.

二、read and write (看图写单词) 5%

n ghtchl ph nt

g lt ble

三、read and choose (圈出不属于同一类的单词)10%

) 1、a father b mother c orange d sister

) 2、a moon b desk c star d sun

) 3、a bowl b spoon c swing d plate

) 4、a hair b old c young d big

) 5、a run b sing c read d book

四、read and choose (选择填空)10%

) 1、i can see six

a apple b books c book

) 2、can you fly, alice

a i can fly. b yes, i can. c yes, she can.

) 3、look the tree.

a atb inc to

) 4、i peter. you mary.

a am, are b are, am c am, is

) 5、how manyfour.

a a bag b bagc bags

) 6、put the box the chair, please.

a atb inc on

) 7、the giant’s eyes big.

a amb arec is

) 8、is your sister tall? yes, is.

a heb shec i

) 9、what do you like to do? i like to a kite.

a flyb ridec skip

) 10is the apple? it’s red.

a what colour b what c who

五、look and choose (看图选出正确的句子) 10%

) 1、a there is a bowl on the table.

b there are two bowls on the table.

) 2、a can you run? yes, i can.

b can you run? no, i can’t.

) 3、a i can see a slide.

b i can see a swing

) 4、a my head is big.

b my hand is big.

) 5、a the boy is thin.

b the boy is fat

六、read and judge(阅读短文,判断句子与短文内容是否一致,用“t”或“f”表示)5%

hello,i am is my birthday. i am eight years old. i go to the shop(商店) with my mother.

i want a new don’t like green,i like red. it is beautiful. i like it very much.

now i h**e a new dress.

( )1 my name is may.

( )2 i am nine.

( )3 i want a new shirt.

( )4 now i h**e a new red dress.

( )5 i go to the shop with my father.


一、 listen and choose(听录音,圈出你听到的字母组或单词)

1 poq2 gdb

3 hji4 kgj

5 the moon is in the sky.

6 this is my face.

7 i can swim.

8 she has a big plate.

9 i’m a fox. i like meat.

10 my father has a book.

二、 listen and choose(听录音,圈出你听到的句子)

1 i like to write.

2 he can’t swim.

3 what can you do?

4 there are two spoons.

5 look at the sky.

三、 listen and judge (听录音,判断你听到的内容与**是否一致,用“√”或“×”表示)


完卷时间 45分钟满分 100分 学校班级姓名成绩。第二卷听力部分 40 i listen and choose.选出你听到的字母组和单词 8 1.a.ghj b.jhg c.hgj2.a.mtn b.nmt c.tmn 3.a.bde b.edb c.deb4.b.ben c.ten 5.a.ei...


一 看拼音写词语和句子 15分 b zh n r n o c n l n t o q d u r n x i w n m n zh n w i w sh t o q de h i zi 二 多音字组词 12分 1 扇 sh n2 兴x ng3 尽j n sh nx ngj n 4 奔 b n5 称c...


书写分 5分 班级姓名学号成绩 1.听写句子,加上标点。5 二 看拼音写词语。8 q ng l ng ch ng z n xi n l j n z i zh ch 三 圈出加点字的正确读音。4 奔向 b n b n 锻炼 l n li n 能干 g n g n 野茫茫 m ng m ng 四 选字填...